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Maclagan L.C, Bronskill S.E, Guan J., Campitelli M.A, Herrmann N., Lapane K.L, Hogan D.B, Amuah J.E, Seitz D.P, Gill S.S et al..  2018.  Predictors of Cholinesterase Discontinuation during the First Year after Nursing Home Admission. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 19(11):959-966.e4.
Maxwell C.J, Bronskill S.E, Diong C., Hogan D.B, Patten S.B, Jette N., Marrie R.A.  2015.  Depressive symptom trajectories in older adults with dementia and associated risk of functional decline. Alzheimer's and Dementia. 11(7 SUPPL. 1):P873-P874.
Maxwell C.J, Campitelli M.A, Hogan D.B, Diong C., Austin P.C, Amuah J.E, Lapane K., Seitz D.P, Gill S.S, Gruneir A. et al..  2017.  Frailty, antipsychotics and mortality among community-based older adults with impaired cognition. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 26(Supplement 2):456-457.
Maxwell C.J, Hirdes J.P.  1993.  The prevalence of smoking and implications for quality of life among the community-based elderly. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 9(6):338-45.
Maxwell C.J, Soo A., Hogan D.B, Wodchis W.P, Gilbart E., Amuah J., Eliasziw M., Hagen B., Strain L.A.  2013.  Predictors of Nursing Home Placement from Assisted Living Settings in Canada. Canadian journal on aging = La revue canadienne du vieillissement. 32(4):333-348.
Maxwell C.J, Vik SA.  2001.  Exploring the balance between formal and informal health care in the community-based elderly.. In Stride Magazine.
Maxwell C.J, Vu M., Hogan D.B, Patten S.B, Jantzi M., Kergoat M.J, Jette N., Bronskill S.E, Heckman G., Hirdes J.P.  2013.  Patterns and determinants of dementia pharmacotherapy in a population-based cohort of home care clients. Drugs and Aging. 30(7):569-585.
Maxwell C.J, Zimmerman D., Karon S.L, Sainfort F., Purnell M.  1998.  Estimating quality indicators for chronic care from the MDS-2.0: risk-adjustment issues and concerns.. Canadian Journal of Quality in Health Care. 14(3):4-13.