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Cheung G, Bala S, Lyndon M, Ma'u E, Rodriguez CRivera, Waters DL, Jamieson H, Nada-Raja S, Chan AHai Yan, Beyene K et al..  2022.  Impact of the first wave of COVID-19 on the health and psychosocial well-being of Māori, Pacific Peoples and New Zealand Europeans living in aged residential care. Australasian Journal on Ageing. 41(2):293-300.
Cheung G, Edwards S, Sundram F.  2017.  Death wishes among older people assessed for home support and long-term aged residential care. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 32(12):1371-1380.
Cheung G, Mah TM, Barak Y, Hirdes JP.  2021.  Determinants of Non-emergency Use of Control Interventions in Older Canadian Psychiatric Inpatients: Analysizing the InterRAI Mental Health Electronic Health Records. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12
Cheung G, Martinez-Ruiz A, Knell R, O'Callaghan A, Guthrie DM.  2020.  Factors Associated With Terminally Ill People Who Want to Die. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 60(3):539-548e1.
Cheung G, Rivera-Rodriguez C, Martinez-Ruiz A, Ma’u E, Ryan B, Burholt V, Bissielo A, Meehan B.  2020.  Impact of COVID-19 on the health and psychosocial status of vulnerable older adults: study protocol for an observational study. BMC Public Health. 20(1):1814.
Cheung G, Rivera-Rodriguez C, Ryan B, Ruiz AMartinez, Ma'u E, Bissielo A, Meehan B, Burholt V.  2023.  Impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown on self-reported mood and self-rated health of community-dwelling adults with chronic illness. New Zealand Medical Journal. 136(1572):46-60.
Cheung G, St Clair VWright-, Chacko E, Barak Y.  2019.  Financial difficulty and biopsychosocial predictors of loneliness: A cross-sectional study of community dwelling older adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 85:103935.