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Phillips C., Dyer J., Janousek V., Halperin L., Hawes C..  2008.  Providing appropriate services to individuals in the community: a preliminary case-mix model for allocating personal care services. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. 30(4):378.
Phillips C.D, Chu C.W, Morris J.N, Hawes C..  1993.  Effects of cognitive impairment on the reliability of geriatric assessments in nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 41(2):136-42.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C..  1992.  Nursing home case-mix classification and residents suffering from cognitive impairment: RUG-II and cognition in the Texas case-mix data base. Medical Care. 30(2):105-16.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Fries B.E.  1993.  Reducing the use of physical restraints in nursing homes: will it increase costs? American Journal of Public Health. 83(3):342-8.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Lieberman T., Koren M.J.  2007.  Where should Momma go? Current nursing home performance measurement strategies and a less ambitious approach BMC Health Services Research. 7:93.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Mor V., Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Nennstiel M.E.  1996.  Facility and area variation affecting the use of physical restraints in nursing homes. Medical Care. 34(11):1149-62.
Phillips C.D., Morris J.N., Hawes C., Mor V., Fries B.E., Murphy K..  1997.  The impact of RAI on ADLs, continence, communication, cognition and psychosocial status.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):986-993.
Phillips C.D, Sloane P.D, Hawes C., Koch G., Han J., Spry K., Dunteman G., Williams R.L.  1997.  Effects of residence in Alzheimer disease special care units on functional outcomes. [erratum appears in JAMA 1998 Apr 15;279(15):1174]. JAMA. 278(16):1340-4.
Phillips C.D, Spry K.M, Sloane P.D, Hawes C..  2000.  Use of physical restraints and psychotropic medications in Alzheimer special care units in nursing homes. American Journal of Public Health. 90(1):92-6.