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Little J, Hirdes JP, Perlman CM, Meyer SB.  2019.  Clinical Predictors of Delayed Discharges in Inpatient Mental Health Settings Across Ontario. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 46(1):105-114.
Stewart SL, Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Perlman CM, McKnight M, MacLeod K, Ninan A, Currie M, Carson S, Morris JN et al..  2015.  interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health (ChYMH) Assessment Form and User’s Manual: For use with In-patient and Community-Based Assessments. :228.
Stewart SL, Hirdes JP, McKnight M, Curtin-Telegdi N, Perlman CM, MacLeod K, Ninan A, Currie M, Carson S, Morris JN et al..  2017.  interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S) Assessment Form and User’s Manual. :72.
Stewart SL, Hirdes JP, McKnight M, Curtin-Telegdi N, Perlman CM, MacLeod K, Ninan A, Currie M, Carson S, Morris JN et al..  2018.  Santé mentale des enfants et des adolescents — Dépistage (SMEA-D) interRAI, manuel de l'utilisateur et formulaire d'évaluation, Édition canadienne-française. :84.
Stewart SL, Hirdes JP, McKnight M, Curtin-Telegdi N, Perlman CM, MacLeod K, Ninan A, Currie M, Carson S, Morris JN et al..  2020.  interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S) Assessment Form and User’s Manual, Version 9.3.1, Simplified Chinese Edition. :76.
Stewart SL, LaRose L, Gleason K, Nicolson R, McKnight M, Knott W, Currie M, Morris JM, Berg K, Björkgren M et al..  2016.  interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health and Developmental Disability (ChYMH-DD) Assessment Form and User’s Manual: For use with In-patient and Community-Based Assessments. :238.
Stewart SL, Theall LA, Morris JN, Berg K, Björkgren M, Declercq A, Finne-Soveri H, Fries BE, Frijters D, Gray L et al..  2016.  interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health and Developmental Disability Collaborative Action Plans (CAPs): For Use with the ChYMH-DD Assessment Instrument. :206.