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Hébert P, Heckman G.  2019.  Discussing death is hard - but essential. Montreal Gazette.
Hébert PC, Morinville A, Costa A, Heckman G, Hirdes J.  2019.  Regional variations of care in home care and long-term care: a retrospective cohort study. Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal. 7(2):E341-E350.
Heckman G, Gimbel S, Morrison A, Mensink C, Northwood M, Kroetsch B, Nasim A, Gregg S, Willsie J, DeMelo D.  2023.  Preliminary Evaluation of a Shared-Care, Primary Care-Based Interprofessional Program to Support Older Persons Living with Frailty in the Community. Canadian Geriatrics Journal. 26(2):309-309.
Heckman G, Gray LC, Hirdes J.  2013.  Addressing health care needs for frail seniors in Canada: the role of interRAI instruments. Canadian Geriatrics Society Journal of CME. 30(1):8-16.
Heckman G, Hébert P.  2018.  Hospitals are needlessly risky for frail seniors. Policy Options.
Heckman G, Hébert P.  2018.  Nos hôpitaux exposent les personnes âgées vulnérables à des risques. Policy Options.
Heckman G, Jonsson PV.  2018.  Comprehensive geriatric assessment: the specific assessment technology of InterRAI. Oxford textbook of geriatric medicine. 3:127-134.
Hirdes JP, Marchewka MZiraldo, Saari M, Costa AP, Heckman G, Sinn C-LJoanna, Meehan B, Berg K, Gray L, Morris JN et al..  2022.  interRAI Contact Assessment (CA) Form and User’s Manual: A Screening Level Assessment for Intake to Home and Community Care, Version 10.0.1, interRAI Standard Edition. :104.
Hirdes JP, Marchewka MZiraldo, Saari M, Costa AP, Heckman G, Sinn C-LJoanna, Meehan B, Berg K, Gray L, Morris JN et al..  2023.  Évaluation à l’accueil (EA) interRAI, manuel de l’utilisateur et formulaire: Une évaluation de dépistage pour l’orientation vers des services à domicile et des soins communautaires, Version 10.0 Édition canadienne-française. :84.
Hogeveen S, Donaghy-Hughes M, Nova A, Saari M, Sinn C-LJoanna, Northwood M, Heckman G, Geffen L, Hirdes JP.  2023.  The interRAI COVID-19 vulnerability screener: Results of a health surveillance initiative for vulnerable adults in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 113:105056.
Hogeveen S, Hirdes JP, Heckman G, Keller H.  2023.  Determinants of access of frail, community‐residing older adults to geriatricians in Ontario. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 71(9):2810-2821.
Hogeveen S, Hirdes JP, Heckman G, Keller H.  2023.  Determinants of access of frail, community-residing older adults to geriatricians in Ontario. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.