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Jones RN, Hirdes JP, Poss JW, Kelly M, Berg K, Fries BE, Morris JN.  2010.  Adjustment of nursing home quality indicators. BMC health services research. 10:96.
Rantz M.J, Mehr D.R, Conn V.S, Hicks L.L, Porter R., Madsen R.W, Petrowski G.F, Maas M..  1996.  Assessing quality of nursing home care: the foundation for improving resident outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 10(4):1-9.
Brink P., Partanen L..  2011.  Emergency department use among end-of-life home care clients. Journal of palliative care. 27(3):224-8.
Achterberg WP, Holtkamp C.C, Kerkstra A., Pot A.M, Ooms M.E, Ribbe M.W.  2001.  Improvements in the quality of co-ordination of nursing care following implementation of the Resident Assessment Instrument in Dutch nursing homes. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 35(2):268-75.
Rantz M.J, Mehr D.R, Petroski G.F, Madsen R.W, Popejoy L.L, Hicks L.L, Conn V.S, Grando V.T, Wipke-Tevis D.D, Bostick J. et al..  2000.  Initial field testing of an instrument to measure: observable indicators of nursing home care quality. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 14(3):1-12.
Chan C.L, Lai C.K, Chi I..  2014.  Initial validation of the Chinese interRAI Mental Health in people with psychiatric illness. Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. 18(3):182-9.
Hawes C., Mor V., Phillips C.D, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steele-Friedlob E., Greene A.M, Nennstiel M..  1997.  The OBRA-87 nursing home regulations and implementation of the Resident Assessment Instrument: effects on process quality.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):977-85.
McArthur C., Hirdes J., Chaurasia A., Berg K., Giangregorio L..  2018.  Quality Changes after Implementation of an Episode of Care Model with Strict Criteria for Physical Therapy in Ontario's Long-Term Care Homes. Health Serv Res. 53(6):4863-4885.
Dalby D.M, Hirdes J.P.  2008.  The relationship between agency characteristics and quality of home care. Home Health Care Services Quarterly. 27(1):59-74.
Burgess, Jr. J.F, Shwartz M., Stolzmann K., Sullivan J.L.  2018.  The Relationship between Costs and Quality in Veterans Health Administration Community Living Centers: An Analysis Using Longitudinal Data. Health Serv Res. 53(5):3881-3897.
Vik SA, Maxwell CJ, Hanley DA.  2005.  Treatment of osteoporosis in an older home care population. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 6
Wodchis WP, Naglie G, Teare GF.  2008.  Validating diagnostic information on the minimum data set in Ontario hospital-based long-term care. Medical care. 46(8):882-887.