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Effect of Bisphosphonates on Fracture Outcomes Among Frail Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 67(4):768-776.
2019. The effects of frailty, polypharmacy, and cognition on health outcomes: a study on interRAI residential care data. Innovation in Aging. 3(Supplement_1):S86-S86.
2019. Effect of Hospital–SNF Referral Linkages on Rehospitalization. Health Services Research. 48(6 Pt 1):1898-1919.
2013. The Effect of State Medicaid Policies and Nursing Home Racial Composition on the Risk of Hospitalization for Black and White Residents.. Health Services Research. To Appear
2007. An empirical test of the structure, process, and outcome quality paradigm using resident-based, nursing facility assessment data.. American Journal of Medical Quality. 10(2):63-75.
1995. Estimating quality indicators for chronic care from the MDS-2.0: risk-adjustment issues and concerns.. Canadian Journal of Quality in Health Care. 14(3):4-13.
1998. Economic Costs Attributable to Diabetes in Each U.S. State. Diabetes Care. 41(12):2526-2534.
2018. Effects of nurse-led interRAI-based multidisciplinary team management on body composition and metabolic parameters among elderly patients with metabolic syndrome. Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 29(6):326-331.
2021. Effect of Bisphosphonates on Fracture Outcomes Among Frail Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 67(4):768-776.
2019. The effects of frailty, polypharmacy, and cognition on health outcomes: a study on interRAI residential care data. Innovation in Aging. 3(Supplement_1):S86-S86.
2019. .
Ethnic Differences in Mental Illness Severity: A Population-Based Study of Chinese and South Asian Patients in Ontario, Canada. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 77(9):6699.
2016. Effects of nurse-led interRAI-based multidisciplinary team management on body composition and metabolic parameters among elderly patients with metabolic syndrome. Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 29(6):326-331.
2021. Effects of case management using resident assessment instrument-home care (RAI-HC) in home health services for older people. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 39(3):366-375.
2009. Emergency department case-finding for high-risk older adults: the Brief Risk Identification for Geriatric Health Tool (BRIGHT). Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. 15(7):598-606.
2008. Economic Costs Attributable to Diabetes in Each U.S. State. Diabetes Care. 41(12):2526-2534.
2018. .
Evaluation of Nursing Facility Resident Safety During Implementation of the INTERACT Quality Improvement Program. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 19(10):907-913.e1.
2018. The effect of public long-term care insurance plan on care management and care planning in Japanese geriatric hospitals.. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics. 32(2):167-177.
2001. An exploration of status of chronic diseases and its influencing factors of older people in Chinese home care and long-term care facilities: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Public Health. 11:1321681.
2023. Effects of nurse-led interRAI-based multidisciplinary team management on body composition and metabolic parameters among elderly patients with metabolic syndrome. Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 29(6):326-331.
2021. Examining the adaptability and validity of interRAI acute care quality indicators in a surgical context. SAGE Open Medicine. 10
2022. Exploration of pressure ulcer and related skin problems across the spectrum of health care settings in Ontario using administrative data. International Wound Journal. 14(1):24-30.
2017. The Effect of Depressive Symptoms and Antidepressant Use on Subsequent Physical Decline and Number of Hospitalizations in Nursing Home Residents: A 9-Year Longitudinal Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 16(12):1048-1054.
2015. Effects of the resident assessment instrument in home care settings. results of a cluster randomized controlled trial. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie. 45(4):315-322.