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Proctor W.R, Hirdes J.P.  2001.  Pain and cognitive status among nursing home residents in Canada. Pain Research & Management. 6(3):119-25.
Fries BE, Simon SE, Morris JN, Flodstrom C, Bookstein FL.  2001.  Pain in U.S. nursing homes: validating a pain scale for the minimum data set.. Gerontologist. 41(2):173-9.
Landi F, Onder G, Cesari M, Gambassi G, Steel K, Russo A, Lattanzio F, Bernabei R, Group forthe SILVER.  2001.  Pain Management in Frail, Community-Living Elderly Patients. Archives of Internal Medicine. 161(22):2721-2724.
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Buchanan R.J, Wang S., Huang C., Graber D..  2001.  Profiles of nursing home residents with multiple sclerosis using the minimum data set. Mult Scler. 7(3):189-200.
Kiely D.K, Mitchell S.L, Marlow A., Murphy K.M, Morris J.N.  2001.  Racial and state differences in the designation of advance directives in nursing home residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 49(10):1346-52.
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Garms-Homolova V.  2001.  Rehabilitative Orientierung der häuslichen Pflege alter Menschen. Psychomed. 13(4):229-234.
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Hines L..  2001.  Response to "Pain in U.S. nursing homes: validating a pain scale for the Minimum Data Set". Gerontologist. 41(4):553.
Ahronheim J.C, Mulvihill M., Sieger C., Park P., Fries B.E.  2001.  State practice variations in the use of tube feeding for nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairment.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 49(2):148-52.
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Han L., McCusker J., Cole M., Abrahamowicz M., Primeau F., Elie M..  2001.  Use of medications with anticholinergic effect predicts clinical severity of delirium symptoms in older medical inpatients. Arch Intern Med. 161(8):1099-105.
Leung A.CT, Liu C.P, Tsui L.L, Li S.Y, Tang G.WY, D. Yau C, Chi I., Chow N.WS.  2001.  The use of the minimum data set: Home care in a case management project in Hong Kong. Care Management Journals. 3(1):8-13.
Beck A.M, Ovesen L., Schroll M..  2001.  Validation of the Resident Assessment Instrument triggers in the detection of under-nutrition. Age and Ageing. 30(2):161-165.
Chou K, Chi I, Leung AC, Wu YM, Liu C.  2001.  Validaton of Minimum Data Set for nursing home in Hong Kong Chinese elders.. Clinical Gerontologist. 23(1):43-54.
Rigler SK, Webb MJ, Redford L, Brown E.F, Zhou J, Wallace D.  2001.  Weight outcomes among antidepressant users in nursing facilities.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 49(1):49-55.
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Onder G, Pedone C, Landi F, Cesari M, Vedova CDella, Bernabei R, Gambassi G.  2002.  Adverse Drug Reactions as Cause of Hospital Admissions: Results from the Italian Group of Pharmacoepidemiology in the Elderly (GIFA). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(12):1962-1968.
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Shugarman L.R, Buttar A., Fries B.E, Moore T., Blaum C.S.  2002.  Caregiver attitudes and hospitalization risk in michigan residents receiving home- and community-based care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(6):1079-85.
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Garms-Homolova V.  2002.  Das RAI – Zum Zusammenhang von Qualitätssicherung und Personalbemessung. Personalbemessung in der Altenhilfe. Wissenschaftliche, praxisbezogene und sozialpolitische Verständigungsversuche. 14:101-112.