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Neufeld E., Freeman S., Spirgiene L., Horwath U..  2021.  A Cross-Sectoral Comparison of Prevalence and Predictors of Symptoms of Depression Over Time Among Older Adults in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology. 34(1):11-20.
Merrick E, Shannon K, Neville S, Bail K, Vorster A, Fry M.  2023.  A cross‐sectional description of the health characteristics of cognitively impaired older adults. Australasian Journal on Ageing. 42(1):241-245.
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Fraser K.D, Sales A.E, Baylon M.AB, Schalm C., Miklavcic J.J.  2017.  Data for Improvement and Clinical Excellence: a report of an interrupted time series trial of feedback in home care. Implementation science. 12(1):66.
Fraser K.D, Sales A.E, O'Rourke H.M, Schalm C..  2012.  Data for improvement and clinical excellence: protocol for an audit with feedback intervention in home care and supportive living. Implementation science : IS. 7(pp 4)
Sales A.E, Schalm C., Baylon M.A, Fraser K.D.  2014.  Data for improvement and clinical excellence: report of an interrupted time series trial of feedback in long-term care. Implementation science : IS. 9(pp 161)
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