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Velozo C.A, Byers K.L, Wang Y.C, Joseph B.R.  2007.  Translating measures across the continuum of care: using Rasch analysis to create a crosswalk between the Functional Independence Measure and the Minimum Data Set. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 44(3):467-78.
Zhu M, Zhang Z, Hirdes JP, Stolee P.  2007.  Using machine learning algorithms to guide rehabilitation planning for home care clients. BMC medical informatics and decision making. 7:41.
Vacarezza A., Cruz C., Lara C..  2007.  Uso pedagógico de un sistema de información clínico internacional con alumnos de psicología. Revista de Psiquiatría y salud mental. XXIV:28-36.
Bos JT, Frijters DHM, Wagner C, G Carpenter I, Finne-Soveri H, Topinkova E, Garms-Homolova V, Henrard J-C, Jonsson PV, Sorbye L et al..  2007.  Variations in quality of Home Care between sites across Europe, as measured by Home Care Quality Indicators. Aging-Clinical & Experimental Research. 19(4):323-9.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Lieberman T., Koren M.J.  2007.  Where should Momma go? Current nursing home performance measurement strategies and a less ambitious approach BMC Health Services Research. 7:93.
Frijters D.H, Achterberg W.P.  2007.  [The ZZP Questionnaire. Reliability of a new resource utilization measure]. Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr. 38(4):165-72.
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Jonsson PV, Noro A, Finne-Soveri H, Jensdóttir AB, Ljunggren G, Bucht G, Grue EV, Björnson J, Jonsén E, Schroll M.  2008.  Admission profile is predictive of outcome in acute hospital care. Aging clinical and experimental research. 20(6):533-539.
Jónsson PV, Noro A, Finne-Soveri H, Jensdóttir AB, Ljunggren G, Bucht G, Grue E, Bjørnson J., Jonsén E, Schroll M.  2008.  Admission status to acute medical care is predictive for one year outcomes in older patients A prospective study in five Nordic countries. Running heading: Predictors of outcome of acute care. A clinical research study.. Aging Clin Exp Res. 20(6):533-9.
Perlman CM, Hirdes JP.  2008.  The aggressive behavior scale: a new scale to measure aggression based on the minimum data set. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 56(12):2298-303.
Constanza L, Cruz C., Vacarezza A., Florenzano R., Trapp A..  2008.  Analisis comparativo de dos instrumentos de evaluacion clinica: OQ-45 e interRAI - Salud Mental (Comparative analysis between two instruments for clinical evaluation: OQ-45.2 and interRAI Mental Health). Rev Chil Neuro-Psiquiat. 46(3):192-198.
Miller EAlan, Mor V.  2008.  Balancing Regulatory Controls and Incentives: Toward Smarter and More Transparent Oversight in Long-Term Care. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 33(2):249-279.
Frijters D., Carpenter G.I, Bos J.T, Bernabei R..  2008.  Berekenen van kwaliteitsindicatoren in de thuiszorg: voorbeeld uit het ADHOC project, een vergelijking tussen thuiszorgorganisaties uit 11 Europese landen.. Tijdschr voor Gerontol Geriatr. 39:44-54.
Ouwehand A.C., Bergsma N., Parhiala R., Lahtinen S., Gueimonde M., Finne-Soveri H., Strandberg T., Pitkala K., Salminen S..  2008.  Bifidobacterium microbiota and parameters of immunefunction in elderly subjects. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. :1-8.
Kerse N., Boyd M., McLean C., Koziol-McLain J., Robb G..  2008.  The BRIGHT tool. Age Ageing. 37(5):553-88.
Martin L.  2008.  Changes before the transition to the community: Experiences of persons in Ontario’s closing institutions. Journal of Developmental Disabilities. 14(1):127-137.
Huizing AR, Hamers JPH, Gulpers MJM, Berger MPF.  2008.  A cluster-randomized trial of an educational intervention to reduce the use of physical restraints with psychogeriatric nursing home residents. J Am Geriatr Soc. 57(7):75.
Lara C., Cruz C., Vacarezza A., Florenzano R., Trapp A..  2008.  Comparative analysis between two instruments for clinical evaluation: O Q 45.2 and interRAI Mental Health. Rev Chil Neuro-Psiquiat. 46(3):192-198.
Sorbye L., Hamran T, Henriksen N, Norberg A.  2008.  A comparative study of characteristics of older home care users in Nordic Countries - would patients be better off living in another environment?
Saarela T.M, Finne-Soveri H., Liedenpohja A.M, Noro A..  2008.  Comparing psychogeriatric units to ordinary long-term care units - are there differences in case-mix or clinical symptoms? Nord J Psychiatry. 62(1):32-8.
Saarela TM, Finne-Soveri H, Liedenpohja A-M, Noro A.  2008.  Comparing psychogeriatric units to ordinary long-term care units—Are there differences in case-mix or clinical symptoms? Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 62(1):32-38.
Jensdóttir A‐B, Jonsson P, Noro A, Jonsén E, Ljunggren G, Finne‐Soveri H, Schroll M, Grue E, Bjornsson J.  2008.  Comparison of nurses’ and physicians’ documentation of functional abilities of older patients in acute care–patient records compared with standardized assessment. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences. 22(3):341-347.
Jensdóttir AB, Jónsson P, Noro A, Jonsén E, Ljunggren G, Finne-Soveri H, Schroll M, Grue E, Björnsson J.  2008.  Comparison of nurses and physicians documentation of functional abilities of older patients in acute care patient records compared with standardized assessment.. Scand J Careing Sci. 22:341-347.
Gray L, Wootton R.  2008.  Comprehensive geriatric assessment ‘online’. Australasian Journal on Ageing. 27(4):205-208.
Garms-Homolova V.  2008.  Co-production in home care - informal help for clients of professional home care in eleven European countris. The AdHOC study.. Generations in family and society in the process of demographic change. :146-164.