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Fries B.E, Shugarman L.R, Morris J.N, Simon S.E, James M..  2002.  A screening system for Michigan's home- and community-based long-term care programs. Gerontologist. 42(4):462-74.
Leahy A, Corey G, Purtill H, O’Neill A, Devlin C, Barry L, Cummins N, Gabr A, Mohamed A, Shanahan E et al..  2023.  Screening instruments to predict adverse outcomes for undifferentiated older adults attending the Emergency Department: Results of SOAED prospective cohort study. Age and Ageing. 52(7)
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Salih S.A, Paul S., Klein K., Lakhan P., Gray L..  2012.  Screening for Delirium within the interRAI Acute Care Assessment System. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. 16(8):695-700.
Liang C-K, Chen L-K, Tsai C-F, Su T-P, Lo Y-K, Lan C-F, Hwang S-J.  2011.  Screening depression among institutionalized older Chinese men by minimum data set: we need a new instrument. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology. 24(4):179-183.
Jones K, Perlman CM, Hirdes JP, Scott T.  2010.  Screening Cognitive Performance With the Resident Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Cognitive Performance Scale. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 55(11):736-740.
Lin C-S, Lin M-H, Peng L-N, Chen L-K, Hwang S-J, Lan C-F.  2011.  Screening cognitive impairment among institutionalized older Chinese men in Taiwan: a new minimum data set-based dementia screening tool is needed. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics. 53(1):e25-e28.
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Doupe M., Brunkert T., Wagg A., Ginsburg L., Norton P., Berta W., Knopp-Sihota J., Estabrooks C..  2022.  SCOPE: safer care for older persons (in residential) environments-a pilot study to enhance care aide-led quality improvement in nursing homes. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 8(1):26.
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Morris J.N, Berg K., Fries B.E, Steel K., Howard E.P.  2013.  Scaling functional status within the interRAI suite of assessment instruments. BMC Geriatr. 13:128.
Morris JN, Fries BE, Morris SA.  1999.  Scaling ADLs Within the MDS. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 54(11):M546-M553.
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