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Stewart SL, Morris JN, Asare-Bediako YA, Toohey A.  2019.  Examining the Structure of a New Pediatric Measure of Functional Independence Using the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Assessment System. Developmental neurorehabilitation. :1-8.
Swinkels J., Tilburg T.V, Verbakel E., M. van Groenou B.  2019.  Explaining the Gender Gap in the Caregiving Burden of Partner Caregivers. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 74(2):309-317.
Roberts TJ, Saliba D.  2019.  Exploring Patterns in Preferences for Daily Care and Activities Among Nursing Home Residents. Journal of gerontological nursing. 45(8):7-13.
Bala SS, Jamieson HA, Nishtala PS.  2019.  Factors associated with inappropriate prescribing among older adults with complex care needs who have undergone the interRAI assessment. Curr Med Res Opin. 35(5):917-923.
Aderibigbe O, Renda A, Perlman CM.  2019.  Factors Associated With Opiate Use Among Psychiatric Inpatients: A Population-Based Study of Hospital Admissions in Ontario, Canada. Health Services Insights. 12:1178632919888631.
Yang Y, Hirdes JP, Dubin JA, Lee J.  2019.  Fall Risk Classification in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Using a Smart Wrist-Worn Device and the Resident Assessment Instrument-Home Care: Prospective Observational Study. JMIR aging. 2(1):e12153-e12153.
Iheme LOgechi.  2019.  The feasibility, reliability, and validity of using the self-report version of interRAI check-up among community dwelling older adults.
Eapen BRaj, Costa A, Archer N, Sartipi K.  2019.  FHIRForm: An Open-Source Framework for the Management of Electronic Forms in Healthcare. Studies in health technology and informatics. 257:80-85.
Cheung G, St Clair VWright-, Chacko E, Barak Y.  2019.  Financial difficulty and biopsychosocial predictors of loneliness: A cross-sectional study of community dwelling older adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 85:103935.
Bogerd MJL, Slottje P, Schellevis FG, Giebels A, Rijken M, van Hout HPJ, Reinders ME.  2019.  From protocolized to person-centered chronic care in general practice: study protocol of an action-based research project (COPILOT). Primary Health Care Research & Development. 20:e134.
Morris JN, Berg K, Howard EP, Jónsson PV, Craig M.  2019.  Functional Recovery Within a Formal Home Care Program. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20(8):1001-1006.
Hjaltadottir I, Olafsson K, Sigurdardottir AK, Arnardottir RHarpa.  2019.  Health and survival in Icelandic nursing homes 2003 - 2014, before and after the setting of stricter criteria for nursing home admission in December 2007. Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal. 105(10):435-441.
Kijowska V, Barańska I, Szczerbinska K.  2019.  Health, functional, psychological and nutritional status of cognitively impaired long-term care residents in Poland. European Geriatric Medicine.
Batista R, Prud'homme D, Hsu AT, Guérin E, Bouchard L, Rhodes E, Talarico R, Desaulniers J, Manuel D, Tanuseputro P.  2019.  The Health Impact of Living in a Nursing Home With a Predominantly Different Spoken Language. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20(12):1649-1651.
Broad JB, Wu Z, Hikaka J, Bloomfield K, Tatton A, Boyd M, Peri K, Calvert C, Higgins A-M, Bramley D et al..  2019.  Health of residents in retirement villages in New Zealand: who lives there, why did they move in, what are their health needs? Age and Ageing. 48(Supplement_2):ii19-ii19.
Kitamura S, Igarashi A, Inagaki A, Takaoka M, Noguchi-Watanabe M, Sakka M, Naruse T, Yamamoto-Mitani N.  2019.  Health promotion a new approach to develop gerontological nursing care quality indicators. Innovation in Aging. 3(Supplement_1):S145-S145.
Schluter PJ, McAuliffe MJ, Askew DA, Jamieson HA.  2019.  Hearing ability is not a risk factor for admission to aged residential care of older persons in New Zealand. Scientific Reports. 9(1):17272.
Xiong B, Freeman S, Banner D, Spirgiene L.  2019.  Hospice use and one-year survivorship of residents in long-term care facilities in Canada: a cohort study. BMC palliative care. 18(1):100-100.
Barak Y, Leitch S, Greco P.  2019.  Identifying hoarding disorder in the elderly using the interRAI. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 80:95-97.
Mills W.L, Ying J., Kunik M.E.  2019.  Identifying potential long-stay residents in veterans health administration nursing homes. Geriatr Nurs. 40(1):51-55.
Alfaro AUrqueta, McGraw C, Guthrie D, Wittich W.  2019.  The impact of mild cognitive impairment on the accuracy of an interview based assessment of vision and/or hearing loss. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 60(9):2239-2239.
Walker K, Shearkhani S, Bai YQing, McGilton KS, Berta WB, Wodchis WP.  2019.  The Impact of the Long-term Care Homes Act and Public Reporting on Physical Restraint and Potentially Inappropriate Antipsychotic Use in Ontario's Long-term Care Homes. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. :glz143.
A Kleiner C, Debons J, Pin S, Simonson T, Santos-Eggimann B, Seematter-Bagnoud L.  2019.  Implémentation clinique de la démarche interRAI dans les EMS vaudois : évaluation d’un projet pilote. Raisons de Santé. :82.
Seematter-Bagnoud L, A Kleiner C, Fustinoni S, Santos-Eggimann B.  2019.  Implémentation d'une démarche interRAI d'évaluation des clients des CMS vaudois. Raisons de Santé. (298):236.
Seematter-Bagnoud L, A Kleiner C, Fustinoni S, Santos-Eggimann B.  2019.  Implémentation d'une démarche interRAI d'évaluation des clients des CMS vaudois - Executive Summary. :8.