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Kurdyak P., Vigod S.N, Newman A., Giannakeas V., Mulsant B.H, Stukel T..  2018.  Impact of Physician Follow-Up Care on Psychiatric Readmission Rates in a Population-Based Sample of Patients With Schizophrenia. Psychiatric Services. 69(1):61-68.
Boscart V.M, Heckman G., Davey M., Heyer M., Hirdes J.P.  2018.  Impact of the applied simulated and integrated learning approach on nursing assistants' knowledge and confidence caring for frail seniors in nursing homes. Pilot Feasibility Stud. 4:77.
de Stampa M, Cerase V, Bagaragaza E, Lys E, Alitta Q, Gammelin C, Henrard J-C.  2018.  Implementation of a Standardized Comprehensive Assessment Tool in France: A Case Using the InterRAI Instruments. International Journal of Integrated Care. 18(2):5.
Rolfson DB, Heckman GA, Bagshaw SM, Robertson D, Hirdes JP, Network CFrailty.  2018.  Implementing Frailty Measures in the Canadian Healthcare System. The Journal of frailty & aging. 7(4):208-216.
Beck A.J, Singer P.M, Buche J., Manderscheid R.W, Buerhaus P..  2018.  Improving Data for Behavioral Health Workforce Planning: Development of a Minimum Data Set. Am J Prev Med. 54(6s3):S192-s198.
Weintraub JA, Zimmerman S, Ward K, Wretman CJ, Sloane PD, Stearns SC, Poole P, Preisser JS.  2018.  Improving Nursing Home Residents' Oral Hygiene: Results of a Cluster Randomized Intervention Trial. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 19(12):1086-1091.
Ouellette-Kuntz H., Stankiewicz E., McIsaac M., Martin L..  2018.  Improving Prediction of Risk of Admission to Long-Term Care or Mortality Among Home Care Users With IDD. Canadian Geriatrics Journal. 21(4):303-306.
R. Konetzka T, Skira MM, Werner RM.  2018.  Incentive Design and Quality Improvements: Evidence from State Medicaid Nursing Home Pay-for-Performance Programs. American journal of health economics. 4(1):105-130.
Zhang T., Amir O., Zullo A.R, Kiel D.P, Berry S.D.  2018.  Incidence of Hip Fracture in Native American Residents of U.S. Nursing Homes. Innovation in Aging. 2(Suppl 1):59-59.
Silver B.C, Grabowski D.C, Gozalo P.L, Dosa D., Thomas K.S.  2018.  Increasing Prevalence of Assisted Living as a Substitute for Private-Pay Long-Term Nursing Care. Health Serv Res. 53(6):4906-4920.
Tsuchiya-Ito R, Slaug B, Ishibashi T.  2018.  The indoor home environment and self-rated health among older people using long-term care services. Innovation in Aging. 2(Suppl 1):577.
Onder G., Giovannini S., Sganga F., Manes-Gravina E., Topinkova E., Finne-Soveri H., Garms-Homolova V., Declercq A., van der Roest H.G, Jonsson P.V et al..  2018.  Interactions between drugs and geriatric syndromes in nursing home and home care: results from Shelter and IBenC projects. Aging Clin Exp Res.
Morris JN, Howard EP, Geffen LN, Hirdes JP, Hogeveen SE, Berg K, Björkgren M, Declercq A, Finne-Soveri H, Fries BE et al..  2018.  interRAI Check-Up (CU) Assessment, Supplement, and Self-Reported Forms and User's Manual. :140.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Rabinowitz T, Fries BE, Morris JN, Ikegami N, Yamauchi K, Smith TFrise, Perez E, Martin L et al..  2018.  interRAI Community Mental Health Schweiz (interRAI CMHSchweiz) Bedarfsabklärungsinstrument und Handbuch, Deutschsprachige Ausgabe für die Schweiz. :166.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Rabinowitz T, Fries BE, Morris JN, Ikegami N, Yamauchi K, Smith TFrise, Perez E, Martin L et al..  2018.  interRAI Community Mental Health Suisse (interRAI CMHSuisse) Instrument d’évaluation et manuel, Edition française pour la Suisse. :168.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Rabinowitz T, Fries BE, Morris JN, Ikegami N, Yamauchi K, Smith TFrise, Perez E, Martin L et al..  2018.  interRAI Community Mental Health Svizzera (interRAI CMHSvizzera) strumento di valutazione e manuale d’utilizzo, Edizione italiana per la Svizzera. :164.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Poss JW, Gray L, Berg K, Stolee P, Costa AP, Morris JM, Björkgren M, Declercq A et al..  2018.  interRAI kontakthindamine (KH) hindamisvorm ja käsiraamat: skriinimisvahend kogukonnas/haiglas, Eestikeelne väljaanne. :72.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Mathias K, Perlman CM, Saarela T, Kolbeinsson H, Valdimarsdóttir R, Morris JN, Fries BE, Rabinowitz T et al..  2018.  interRAI Mental Health Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPs) zur Verwendung mit Mental Health Assessment-Instrumenten im ambulanten und stationären Bereich, Deutschsprachige Ausgabe für die Schweiz. :230.
Unroe KT, Hickman SE, Carnahan JL, Hass Z, Sachs G, Arling G.  2018.  Investigating the Avoidability of Hospitalizations of Long Stay Nursing Home Residents: Opportunities for Improvement. Innovation in Aging. 2(2)
Moran V., Jacobs R..  2018.  Investigating the relationship between costs and outcomes for English mental health providers: a bi-variate multi-level regression analysis. Eur J Health Econ. 19(5):709-718.
Zhang XY, He F, Zhou JY.  2018.  Investigation of the relationship between oral health status and quality of life related indicators among seniors—analysis reusing inter-RAI data. Chin J Geriat Stomatol. 16(3):176-179.
Hanlon JT, Hajjar ER.  2018.  Isn't it time we stop counting the number of drugs to define polypharmacy in this new era of deprescribing and what related outcomes should be measured? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 19(8):644-645.
Applebaum R., Mehdizadeh S., Berish D..  2018.  It Is Not Your Parents' Long-Term Services System: Nursing Homes in a Changing World. J Appl Gerontol. :733464818818050.
Li C.Y, Romero S., Bonilha H.S, Simpson K.N, Simpson A.N, Hong I., Velozo C.A.  2018.  Linking Existing Instruments to Develop an Activity of Daily Living Item Bank. Eval Health Prof. 41(1):25-43.
Jones A, Feeny D, Costa AP.  2018.  Longitudinal construct validity of the minimum data set health status index. Health and quality of life outcomes. 16(1):102-102.