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Gray LC, Peel NM, Costa AP, Burkett E, Dey AB, Jónsson PV, Lakhan P, Ljunggren G, Sjöstrand F, Swoboda W et al..  2013.  Profiles of Older Patients in the Emergency Department: Findings From the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 62(5):467-474.
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Doupe M., P. John S., Chateau D., Strang D., Smele S., Bozat-Emre S., Fransoo R., Dik N..  2012.  Profiling the Multidimensional Needs of New Nursing Home Residents: Evidence to Support Planning. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 13(5)
Williams N, Hermans K, Stevens T, Hirdes JP, Declercq A, Cohen J, Guthrie DM.  2021.  Prognosis does not change the landscape: Palliative home care clients experience high rates of pain and nausea, regardless of prognosis. BMC Palliative Care. 20(165)
Mowbray FI, Turcotte L, Strum RP, de Wit K, Griffith LE, Worster A, Foroutan F, Heckman G, Hébert P, Schumacher C et al..  2023.  Prognostic Association Between Frailty and Post-Arrest Health Outcomes in Patients Receiving Home Care: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study. Resuscitation. 187:109766.
Peel N.M, Paul S.K, Cameron I.D, Crotty M., Kurrle S.E, Gray L.C.  2016.  Promoting Activity in Geriatric Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Accelerometry. PLoS One. 11(8):e0160906.
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Lakhan P, Jones M, Wilson A, Courtney M, Hirdes J, Gray LC.  2011.  A prospective cohort study of geriatric syndromes among older medical patients admitted to acute care hospitals. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 59(11):2001-8.
Travers C., Byrne G., Pachana N., Klein K., Gray L..  2012.  A prospective observational study of dementia and delirium in the acute hospital setting. Internal medicine journal.
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Perlman C.M, Hirdes J.P, Vigod S..  2015.  Psychiatric Rehospitalization: Development of a Person-Level Indicator for Care Planning and Quality Assurance. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 17(4)
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Angevaare MJ, Joling KJ, Smalbrugge M, Choi H, Twisk JWR, Hertogh CMPM, van Hout HPJ.  2023.  Psychological Resilience in Older Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities: Occurrence and Associated Factors. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 24(3):382-389.e4.
Angevaare M.J, Joling K.J, Smalbrugge M., Choi H., Twisk J.WR, Hertogh C.MPM, van Hout H.PJ.  2022.  Psychological Resilience in Older Residents of Long-term Care Facilities: Occurrence and Associated Factors. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
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