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Brousseau A., Dent E., Hubbard R., Melady D., Emond M., Mercier E., Costa A..  2017.  Derivation and validation of a feasible emergency department specific frailty index to predict adverse outcomes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 65(Supplement 1):S126-S127.
Brown G.P, Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E.  2015.  Measuring the Prevalence of Current, Severe Symptoms of Mental Health Problems in a Canadian Correctional Population: Implications for Delivery of Mental Health Services for Inmates. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 59(1):27-50.
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Brown MN, Lapane KL, Luisi AF.  2002.  The management of depression in older nursing home residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(1):69-76.
Brownie SM, Chalmers LM, Broman P, Andersen P.  2023.  Evaluating an undergraduate nursing student telehealth placement for community‐dwelling frail older people during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 32(1-2):147-162.
Brownie SM, Chalmers LM, Broman P, Andersen P.  2023.  Evaluating an undergraduate nursing student telehealth placement for community-dwelling frail older people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 32(1-2):147-162.
Bruer R.A, Rodway-Norman M., Large M..  2018.  Closer to the Truth: Admission to Multiple Psychiatric Facilities and an Inaccurate History of Hospitalization Are Strongly Associated with Inpatient Suicide. Can J Psychiatry. 63(11):748-756.
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Buchanan R.J, Wang S., Huang C..  2001.  Analyses of nursing home residents with HIV and dementia using the minimum data set. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 26(3):246-55.
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Buchanan R.J, Wang S., Huang C., Graber D..  2001.  Profiles of nursing home residents with multiple sclerosis using the minimum data set. Mult Scler. 7(3):189-200.
Buchanan R.J, Wang S., Huang C..  2001.  Nursing home residents with HIV and anemia. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 15(7):373-83.
Buggy A., Mullarkey C., Reilly P., McGuinn C., Dewergifosse J., O'Neill D., Kennelly S..  2017.  Development of an interdisciplinary single assessment form for use in integrated care setting. Age and Ageing. 46(Supplement 3):iii13.
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Bula CJ, Wietlisbach V.  2009.  Use of the Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS) to detect cognitive impairment in the acute care setting: concurrent and predictive validity. Brain Res Bull. 80(4-5):173-8.
Bunn D., Jimoh F., Wilsher S.H, Hooper L..  2015.  Increasing fluid intake and reducing dehydration risk in older people living in long-term care: A systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 16(2):101-113.
Burfield A.H, Wan T.TH, Sole M.L, Cooper J.W.  2012.  A study of longitudinal data examining concomitance of pain and cognition in an elderly long-term care population. Journal of Pain Research. 5(pp 61-70)
Burfield A.H, Wan T.TH, Sole M.L, Cooper J.W.  2012.  Behavioral cues to expand a pain model of the cognitively impaired elderly in long-term care. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 7(pp 207-223)
Burge E., von Gunten A., Berchtold A..  2013.  Factors favoring a degradation or an improvement in activities of daily living (ADL) performance among nursing home (NH) residents: A survival analysis. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 56(1):250-257.
Burgess, Jr. J.F, Shwartz M., Stolzmann K., Sullivan J.L.  2018.  The Relationship between Costs and Quality in Veterans Health Administration Community Living Centers: An Analysis Using Longitudinal Data. Health Serv Res. 53(5):3881-3897.
Burholt V, Pillai A, Cheung G, Awatare S, Daltrey J.  2023.  Epidemiology of Faecal Incontinence for People with Dementia Living in the Community in New Zealand: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using interRAI Home Care Assessment Data. Research Square.
Burholt V, Cheung G, Awatere SA, Daltrey JF.  2024.  Incidence, Prevalence, and Risk for Urinary Incontinence for People with Dementia in the Community in Aotearoa New Zealand: An interRAI Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 25(11):105285.