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Jónsson PV, Noro A, Finne-Soveri H, Jensdóttir AB, Ljunggren G, Bucht G, Grue E, Bjørnson J., Jonsén E, Schroll M.  2008.  Admission status to acute medical care is predictive for one year outcomes in older patients A prospective study in five Nordic countries. Running heading: Predictors of outcome of acute care. A clinical research study.. Aging Clin Exp Res. 20(6):533-9.
Jensdóttir A‐B, Jonsson P, Noro A, Jonsén E, Ljunggren G, Finne‐Soveri H, Schroll M, Grue E, Bjornsson J.  2008.  Comparison of nurses’ and physicians’ documentation of functional abilities of older patients in acute care–patient records compared with standardized assessment. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences. 22(3):341-347.
Jónsson PV, Finne-Soveri H, Jensdóttir AB, Ljunggren G, Bucht G, Grue EV, Noro N, Björnsson J, Jonsén E, Schroll M..  2006.  Co morbidity and functional limitation in older patients underreported in medical records in Nordic Acute Care Hospitals when compared with the MDS AC instrument.. Age & Ageing. 35:434-445.
Jónsson PV, Jensdóttir ABirna, Guðmundsdóttir H, Pálsson H, Hjaltadottir I, Harðarson Ó, Sigurgeirsdóttir S.  1997.  Mat á heilsufari og hjúkrunarþörf á elli og hjúkrunarheimilum : RAI mælitækið, þróun þess og sýnishorn af íslenskum niðurstöðum. Assessment of health and caring needs in nursing homes. The Resident Assessment Instrument, its development and some pilot study results.
Jensdóttir ABirna, Guðmundsdóttir H, Pálsson H, Hjaltadottir I, Jónsson PV, Sigurgeirsdóttir S.  1998.  Gagnasafn um heilsufar og hjúkrunarþarfir aldraðra á elli-og hjúkrunarheimilum. Aðferðafræði mælinga á raunverulegum aðbúnaði íbúa, RAI. Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga. 74:209-12.
Jonsson P.V., Gumundsdottir H., Fribjoernsdottir F., Haraldsdottir M., Olafsdottir T., Jensdottir A.B, Hjaltadottir I., Hararson O., Palsson H..  2003.  [Health care needs and quality of life of elderly in home care in Reykjavik, 1997.]. Laeknabladid. 89(4):313-8.