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Sun W., Doran D.M, Wodchis W.P, Peter E..  2017.  Examining the relationship between therapeutic self-care and adverse events for home care clients in Ontario, Canada: a retrospective cohort study. BMC health services research. 17(1):206.
Woo K.Y, Sears K., Almost J., Wilson R., Whitehead M., VanDenKerkhof E.G.  2017.  Exploration of pressure ulcer and related skin problems across the spectrum of health care settings in Ontario using administrative data. International Wound Journal. 14(1):24-30.
Laporte A., A. Dass R, Kuluski K., Peckham A., Berta W., Lum J., Williams A.P.  2017.  Factors Associated with Residential Long-Term Care Wait-List Placement in North West Ontario. Canadian journal on aging: La revue canadienne du vieillissement. 36(3):286-305.
Lam K., Kwan J.SK, C. Kwan W, Chong A.ML, Lai C.KY, Lou V.WQ, Leung A.YM, Liu J.YW, Bai X., Chi I..  2017.  Factors Associated With the Trend of Physical and Chemical Restraint Use Among Long-Term Care Facility Residents in Hong Kong: Data From an 11-Year Observational Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 18(12):1043-1048.
Horwath U., Szczerbinska K..  2017.  Factors associated with unsettled relationships between residents and care staff in long-term care facility. European Geriatric Medicine. 8(5):460-466.
Gretarsdottir E., A. Jonsdottir B, Tomasson G., Gumundsdottir E.E, Hjaltadottir I., Sigurorsdottir I., I. Jakobsdottir B, Thorsteinsdottir T..  2017.  Feasibility and validity of the InterRAI ED Screener. European Geriatric Medicine. 8(Supplement 1):S76.
Jamieson HA, Schluter PJ, Pyun J, Arnold T, Scrase R, Nisbet-Abey R, Mor V, Deely JM, Gray L.  2017.  Fecal Incontinence Is Associated With Mortality Among Older Adults With Complex Needs: An Observational Cohort Study. Am J Gastroenterol. 112(9):1431-1437.
Maxwell C.J, Campitelli M.A, Hogan D.B, Diong C., Austin P.C, Amuah J.E, Lapane K., Seitz D.P, Gill S.S, Gruneir A. et al..  2017.  Frailty, antipsychotics and mortality among community-based older adults with impaired cognition. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 26(Supplement 2):456-457.
Hubbard RE, Peel NM, Samanta M, Gray L.eonardC, Mitnitski A, Rockwood K.  2017.  Frailty status at admission to hospital predicts multiple adverse outcomes. Age Ageing. 46(5):801-806.
Stewart SL, Theall LA, Morris JN, Berg K, Björkgren M, Declercq A, Finne-Soveri H, Fries BE, Frijters D, Gray L et al..  2017.  Guides d'analyse par domaine d'intervention (GAD) pour la santé mentale des enfants et des adolescents interRAI: Pour utilisation avec l'instrument d'évaluation de la santé mentale des enfants et des adolescents, Édition canadienne-française. :256.
Leyva EWilliam A, Beaman A, Davidson PM.  2017.  Health Impact of Climate Change in Older People: An Integrative Review and Implications for Nursing. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 49(6):670-678.
Boscart V.M, Heckman G.A, Huson K., Brohman L., Harkness K.I, Hirdes J., McKelvie R.S, Stolee P..  2017.  Implementation of an interprofessional communication and collaboration intervention to improve care capacity for heart failure management in long-term care. J Interprof Care. 31(5):583-592.
Hoben M., Norton P.G, Ginsburg L.R, Anderson R.A, Cummings G.G, Lanham H.J, Squires J.E, Taylor D., Wagg A.S, Estabrooks C.A.  2017.  Improving Nursing Home Care through Feedback On PerfoRMance Data (INFORM): Protocol for a cluster-randomized trial. Trials. 18(1):nopagination.
Davidson J.GS, Guthrie D.M.  2017.  The Influence of Physical and Psychosocial Factors on Disruptive Pain Among Seriously Ill Home Care Patients. J Palliat Care. 32(2):61-68.
Gray L, Ariño-Blasco S, Berg K, Boscart VM, Heckman G, Hubbard RE, Jónsson PV, Peel NM, Pimm B, Sinha SK et al..  2017.  interRAI Acute Care (AC) Assessment Form and User’s Manual, Version 9.3. :96.
Gray L, Ariño-Blasco S, Berg K, Fries BE, Heckman G, Jónsson PV, Kergoat M-J, Martin-Khan M, Morris JN, Peel NM et al..  2017.  interRAI Acute Care for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (AC-CGA) Form and User’s Manual. Version 9.3. :120.
Stewart SL, Hirdes JP, McKnight M, Curtin-Telegdi N, Perlman CM, MacLeod K, Ninan A, Currie M, Carson S, Morris JN et al..  2017.  interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S) Assessment Form and User’s Manual. :72.
Costa AP, Hirdes JP, Ariño-Blasco S, Berg K, Boscart VM, Carpenter CR, Curtin-Telegdi N, Émond M, Gray L, Heckman G et al..  2017.  interRAI Emergency Department (ED) Assessment System Manual: For Use with the interRAI ED Screener (EDS) and ED Contact Assessment (ED-CA). Version 9.3. :114.
Berg K, Ariño-Blasco S, Boscart VM, Gray L, Hirdes JP, Jónsson PV, Meehan B, Morris J, Peel NM, Pimm B et al..  2017.  interRAI Post-Acute Care and Rehabilitation (PAC-Rehab) Assessment Form and User’s Manual. :132.
Papaioannou A., Jantzi M., Giangregorio L., Hirdes J., Adachi J.D, Ioannidis G..  2017.  A large number of frail older adults living in long term care homes are at high risk for hip fracture. Osteoporosis International. 28(Supplement 1):S632.
Poss JW, Sinn JChi-Ling, Grinchenko G., Blums J, Peirce T, Hirdes J.  2017.  Location, Location, Location: Characteristics and Services of Long-Stay Home Care Recipients in Retirement Homes Compared to Others in Private Homes and Long-Term Care Homes. Healthcare Policy. 12(3):80-93.
Carson J, Gottheil S, Gob A, Lawson S.  2017.  London Transfer Project: improving handover documentation from long-term care homes to hospital emergency departments. BMJ Open Qual. 6(2):nopagination.
Betini RSD, Hirdes JP, Lero DS, Cadell S, Poss J, Heckman G.  2017.  A longitudinal study looking at and beyond care recipient health as a predictor of long term care home admission. BMC Health Services Research. 17:709.
Keller HH, Carrier N, Slaughter S, Lengyel C, Steele CM, Duizer L, K Brown S, Chaudhury H, Yoon MN, Duncan AM et al..  2017.  Making the Most of Mealtimes (M3): protocol of a multi-centre cross-sectional study of food intake and its determinants in older adults living in long term care homes. BMC Geriatr. 17(15)
Baiden P, Stewart SL, Fallon B.  2017.  The mediating effect of depressive symptoms on the relationship between bullying victimization and non-suicidal self-injury among adolescents: Findings from community and inpatient mental health settings in Ontario, Canada. Psychiatry Res. 255:238-247.