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Krausch-Hofmann S, Bogaerts K, Hofmann M, Mello Jde Almeida, Moreira NCristina F, Lesaffre E, Declerck D, Declercq A, Duyck J.  2015.  Missing Oral Health-Related Data in the interRAI-HC - Associations with Selected Variables of General Health and the Effect of Multiple Imputation on the Relationship between Oral and General Health. PLoS One. 10(12)
Slaughter S.E, Wagg A.S, Jones C.A, Schopflocher D., Ickert C., Bampton E., Jantz A., Milke D., Schalm C., Lycar C. et al..  2015.  Mobility of vulnerable elders study: Effect of the sit-to-stand activity on mobility, function, and quality of life. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 16(2):138-143.
Kuitunen S., Riukka L., Linden-Lahti C..  2015.  Multi-professional medication review in home care and care homes. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 37(1 Supplement 1):24-25.
Gates B.  2015.  The next outbreak? We're not ready
Godin J, Keefe J, E. Kelloway K, Hirdes JP.  2015.  Nursing home resident quality of life: testing for measurement equivalence across resident, family, and staff perspectives. Quality of Life Research. 24(10):2365-2374.
Cheng L, Zhu M, Poss JW, Hirdes JP, Glenny C, Stolee P.  2015.  Opinion versus practice regarding the use of rehabilitation services in home care: an investigation using machine learning algorithms. BMC medical informatics and decision making. 15:80.
Peel NMay, Chan KWai, Hubbard REleanor.  2015.  Outcomes of cognitively impaired older people in Transition Care. Australasian journal on ageing. 34(1):53-7.
van Almenkerk S., Depla M.FIA, Smalbrugge M., Eefsting J.A, Hertogh C.MPM.  2015.  Pain among institutionalized stroke patients and its relation to emotional distress and social engagement. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 30(10):1023-1031.
Lukas A., Mayer B., Onder G., Bernabei R., Denkinger M.D.  2015.  Pain therapy in German long-term care facilities in a European comparison: Results of the SHELTER study. Schmerz. 29(4):411-421.
Pautex S..  2015.  Palliative medicine. European Geriatric Medicine. 6(SUPPL 1):S174-S175.
Fisher K, Seow H, Cohen J, Declercq A, Freeman S, Guthrie DM.  2015.  Patient characteristics associated with prognostic awareness: a study of a Canadian palliative care population using the InterRAI palliative care instrument. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 49(4):716-25.
Phillips C.D.  2015.  The Pediatric Home Care/Expenditure Classification Model (P/ECM): A Home Care Case-Mix Model for Children Facing Special Health Care Challenges. Health Serv Insights. 8:35-43.
Carreau L., Niezgoda H., Trainor A., Parent M., Woodbury M.G.  2015.  Pilot study compares scores of the Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set Version 2.0 (MDS 2.0) Pressure Ulcer Risk Scale with the Braden Pressure Ulcer Risk assessment for patients in complex continuing care. Advances in skin & wound care. 28(1):28-33.
Hubbard RE, Peel NM, Scott IA, Martin JH, Smith A, Pillans PI, Poudel A, Gray LC.  2015.  Polypharmacy among inpatients aged 70 years or older in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia. 202(7):373-378.
Stewart S.L, Baiden P., W. Dunnen den, Hirdes J.P, Perlman C.M.  2015.  Prevalence and Correlates of Criminal Activity in Adolescents Treated in Adult Inpatient Mental Health Beds in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 14(1):33-44.
Schnitker L.M, Martin-Khan M., Burkett E., Beattie E.R, Jones R.N, Gray L.C, Care PResearch C.  2015.  Process quality indicators targeting cognitive impairment to support quality of care for older people with cognitive impairment in emergency departments. Acad Emerg Med. 22(3):285-98.
Colantonio A., Hsueh J., Petgrave J., Hirdes J.P, Berg K..  2015.  A Profile of Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury Within Home Care, Long-Term Care, Complex Continuing Care, and Institutional Mental Health Settings in a Publicly Insured Population. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 30(6):E18-E29.
Pizzingrilli B., Hoffman R., Hirdes D.P.  2015.  A protocol to reduce police wait times in the emergency department. Healthc Manage Forum. 28(4):134-8.
Perlman C.M, Hirdes J.P, Vigod S..  2015.  Psychiatric Rehospitalization: Development of a Person-Level Indicator for Care Planning and Quality Assurance. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 17(4)
Foebel AD, van Hout HP, van der Roest HG, Topinkova E, Garms-Homolova V, Frijters D, Finne-Soveri H, Jónsson PV, Hirdes JP, Bernabei R et al..  2015.  Quality of care in European home care programs using the second generation interRAI Home Care Quality Indicators (HCQIs). BMC geriatrics. 15(148):nopagination.
Armstrong J.J, Zhu M., Hirdes J.P, Stolee P..  2015.  Rehabilitation therapies for older clients of the Ontario home care system: regional variation and client-level predictors of service provision. Disability and rehabilitation. 37(7):625-631.
Liu JYW, Chi I, Chan K-S, Lai CKY, Leung AYM.  2015.  The reliability and validity of the pain items of the Hong Kong version interRAI community health assessment for community-dwelling elders in Hong Kong. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 24(15-16):2352-2354.
Kim H, Jung Y-il, Sung M, Lee J-Y, Yoon J-Y, Yoon J-L.  2015.  Reliability of the interRAI Long Term Care Facilities (LTCF) and interRAI Home Care (HC). Geriatrics and Gerontology International. 15(2):220-8.
Grebe C, Brandenburg H.  2015.  [Resident assessment instrument. Application options and relevance for Germany]. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie. 48(2):105-13.
Anliker M, Bartelt G.  2015.  [Resident assessment instrument in Switzerland. History, results and experiences from the application]. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie. 48(2):114-20.