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Lattanzio F., Mussi C., Scafato E., Ruggiero C., Dell'Aquila G., Pedone C., Mammarella F., Galluzzo L., Salvioli G., Senin U. et al..  2010.  Health care for older people in Italy: The U.L.I.S.S.E. Project (Un link informatico sui servizi sanitari esistenti per l'anziano - a computerized network on health care services for older people). J Nutr Health Aging. 14(3):238-42.
Teno J.M, Mitchell S.L, Gozalo P.L, Dosa D., Hsu A., Intrator O., Mor V..  2010.  Hospital characteristics associated with feeding tube placement in nursing home residents with advanced cognitive impairment. Jama. 303(6):544-50.
Fournier CJ, Davis MJ, Patnaik A, Elliott TR, Dyer JA, Jasek EE, Phillips CD.  2010.  Modeling caregivers' perceptions of children's need for formal care: physical function, intellectual disability, and behavior. Disability & Health Journal. 3(3):213-21.
Kontos PC, Miller K-L, Mitchell GJ.  2010.  Neglecting the importance of the decision making and care regimes of personal support workers: A critique of standardization of care planning through the RAI/MDS. The Gerontologist. 50(3):352-362.
Achterberg WP, Gambassi G, Finne-Soveri H, Liperoti R, Noro A, Frijters DHM, Cherubini A, Dell'Aquila G, Ribbe MW.  2010.  Pain in European long-term care facilities: cross-national study in Finland, Italy and The Netherlands. Pain. 148(1):70-74.
Beck A.M, Damkjaer K., Sorbye L.W.  2010.  Physical and social functional abilities seem to be maintained by a multifaceted randomized controlled nutritional intervention among old (>65 years) Danish nursing home residents. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics. 50(3):351-5.
Leung A, Chi I, Lou VWq, Chan KSun.  2010.  Psychosocial risk factors associated with falls among Chinese community‐dwelling older adults in Hong Kong. Health & social care in the community. 18(3):272-281.
Fletcher PC, Guthrie DM, Berg K, Hirdes JP.  2010.  Risk factors for restriction in activity associated with fear of falling among seniors within the community. Journal of Patient Safety. 6(3):187-91.
Leontjevas R, van Hooren S, Waterink W, Mulders A.  2009.  Apathy and depressive mood in nursing home patients with early-onset dementia. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias®. 24(4):341-348.
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Brown PM, Wilkinson‐Meyers L, Parsons M, Weidenbohm K, McNeill R, Brandt T.  2009.  Cost of prescribed and delivered health services resulting from a comprehensive geriatric assessment tool in New Zealand. Health & social care in the community. 17(5):514-21.
June KJa, Lee JYun, Yoon JLull.  2009.  Effects of case management using resident assessment instrument-home care (RAI-HC) in home health services for older people. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 39(3):366-375.
Gray L.C, Wright O.R, Cutler A.J, Scuffham P.A, Wootton R..  2009.  Geriatric ward rounds by video conference: a solution for rural hospitals. Med J Aust. 191(11-12):605-8.
D'Souza JC, James ML, Szafara KL, Fries BE.  2009.  Hard times: the effects of financial strain on home care services use and participant outcomes in Michigan. Gerontologist. 49(2):154-65.
Doran DM, Hirdes J, Poss J, Jantzi M, Blais R, G Baker R, Pickard J.  2009.  Identification of safety outcomes for Canadian home care clients: evidence from the resident assessment instrument--home care reporting system concerning emergency room visits. Healthcare Quarterly. (12(Sp)):40-48.
Missotten P., Thomas P., Squelard G., Di Notte D., Fontaine O., Paquay L., De Lepeleire J., Buntinx F., Ylieff M..  2009.  Impact of place of residence on relationship between quality of life and cognitive decline in dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 23(4):395-400.
Doran DM, Hirdes J, Blais R, G Baker R, Pickard J, Jantzi M.  2009.  The nature of safety problems among Canadian homecare clients: evidence from the RAI-HC reporting system. Journal of nursing management. 17(2):165-74.
Doran DM, Hirdes J, Blais R, G Baker R, Pickard J, Jantzi M.  2009.  The nature of safety problems among Canadian homecare clients: Evidence from the RAI‐HC© reporting system. Journal of nursing management. 17(2):165-174.
Vedel I, de Stampa M, Bergman H, Ankri J, Cassou B, Mauriat C, Blanchard F, Bagaragaza E, Lapointe L.  2009.  A novel model of integrated care for the elderly: COPA, Coordination of Professional Care for the Elderly. Aging clinical and experimental research. 21(6):414-23.
Fusco D., Bochicchio G.B, Onder G., Barillaro C., Bernabei R., Landi F..  2009.  Predictors of rehabilitation outcome among frail elderly patients living in the community. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 10(5):335-41.
Grue EVengnes, Kirkevold M, Ranhoff AHylen.  2009.  Prevalence of vision, hearing, and combined vision and hearing impairments in patients with hip fractures. Journal of clinical nursing. 18(21):3037-49.
Fletcher PC, Berg K, Dalby DM, Hirdes JP.  2009.  Risk factors for falling among community-based seniors. Journal of Patient Safety. 5(2):61-6.
Gray L, Berg K, Fries B, Henrard J-C, Hirdes J, Steel K, Morris J.  2009.  Sharing clinical information across care settings: the birth of an integrated assessment system. BMC Health Services Research. 9(1):71.
Lee JSW, Chau PPH, Hui E, Chan F, Woo J.  2009.  Survival prediction in nursing home residents using the Minimum Data Set subscales: ADL Self-Performance Hierarchy, Cognitive Performance and the Changes in Health, End-stage disease and Symptoms and Signs scales. Eur J Public Health. 19(3):308-12.
Sorbye L.W, Finne-Soveri H., Ljunggren G., Topinkova E., Garms-Homolova V., Jensdottir A.B, Bernabei R., Ad H.OCProj.  2009.  Urinary incontinence and use of pads--clinical features and need for help in home care at 11 sites in Europe. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 23(1):33-44.