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Frijters D., Carpenter G.I, Bos J.T, Bernabei R..  2008.  Berekenen van kwaliteitsindicatoren in de thuiszorg: voorbeeld uit het ADHOC project, een vergelijking tussen thuiszorgorganisaties uit 11 Europese landen.. Tijdschr voor Gerontol Geriatr. 39:44-54.
Frijters D., Achterberg W., Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K..  2001.  [Integrated health information system based on Resident Assessment Instruments]. Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr. 32(1):8-16.
Frijters DHM, van der Roest HG, Carpenter IGI, Finne-Soveri H, Henrard J-C, Chetrit A, Gindin J, Bernabei R.  2013.  The calculation of quality indicators for long term care facilities in 8 countries (SHELTER project). BMC Health Services Research. 13(1):138.
Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Skarupski K.A, Blaum C.S, Galecki A., Bookstein F., Ribbe M..  2000.  Accelerated dysfunction among the very oldest-old in nursing homes. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences. 55(6):M336-41.
Fries B.E, Fahey C.J, Hawes C., Vladeck B.C, Morris J., Phillips C., Fredeking H., Hirdes J., Sinclair D.G, King J.T.  2003.  Implementing the Resident Assessment Instrument: Case studies of policymaking for long-term care in eight countries. Milbank Memorial Fund. :129.
Fries B.E, Mehr D.R, Schneider D., Foley W.J, Burke R..  1993.  Mental dysfunction and resource use in nursing homes. Medical Care. 31(10):898-920.
Fries B.E, Schneider D.P, Foley W.J, Gavazzi M., Burke R., Cornelius E..  1994.  Refining a case-mix measure for nursing homes: Resource Utilization Groups (RUG-III). Medical Care. 32(7):668-85.
Fries B.E, James M..  2003.  Identifying "appropriate" applicants for home and community based services: the MI Choice screening system. Center for Home Care Policy & Research Policy Briefs [Electronic Resource]. (13):1-6.
Fries B.E., Morris J.N., Skarupski K.A.  1998.  Facility report cards and the ecological fallacy.. Canadian Journal of Quality in Health Care. 14(2):18-22.
Fries BE, Wodchis WP, Blaum C, Buttar A, Drabek J, Morris JN.  2005.  A national study showed that diagnoses varied by age group in nursing home residents under age 65. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 58(2):198-205.
Fries B.E, Durance P.W, Nerenz D.R, Ashcraft M.L.  1993.  A comprehensive payment model for short- and long-stay psychiatric patients. Health Care Financing Review. 15(2):31-50.
Fries B.E.  1990.  Comparing case-mix systems for nursing home payment. Health Care Financing Review. 11(4):103-19.
Fries B.E, Marathe V.P.  1981.  Determination of optimal variable-sized multiple-block appointment systems. Operations Research. 29(2):324-45.
Fries B.E, Schneider D.P, Foley W.J, Dowling M..  1989.  Case-mix classification of Medicare residents in skilled nursing facilities: resource utilization groups (RUG-T18). Medical Care. 27(9):843-58.
Fries B.E, Ikegami N..  1994.  Heading in the right direction. Gerontologist. 34(5):582-3.
Fries BE, Morris JN, James ML, G. Carpenter I.  1999.  Building eligibility criteria for continuing care from systematic assessment data. Age and Ageing. 28(British Geriatrics Society Sprint Meeting 1999):30.
Fries BE, Simon SE, Morris JN, Flodstrom C, Bookstein FL.  2001.  Pain in U.S. nursing homes: validating a pain scale for the minimum data set.. Gerontologist. 41(2):173-9.
Fries B.E, Cooney, Jr. L.M.  1985.  Resource utilization groups. A patient classification system for long-term care. Medical Care. 23(2):110-22.
Fries B.E, Ljunggren G., Winblad B..  1991.  International comparison of long-term care: the need for resident-level classification. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 39(1):10-6.
Fries B.E, Schmorrow A., Lang S.W, Margolis P.M, Heany J., Brown G.P, Barbaree H.E, Hirdes J.P.  2013.  Symptoms and treatment of mental illness among prisoners: a study of Michigan state prisons. Int J Law Psychiatry. 36(3-4):316-25.
Fries BE, Hirdes JP, Declercq A, Morris JN, Vereker N, Betini RSD, Berg K, Björkgren M, Costa AP, Finne-Soveri UHarriet et al..  2023.  interRAI Self-Reported Carer Needs (SCaN) Assessment Form and User's Manual, interRAI Standard Edition, Version 10.0. :36.
Fries BE, Morris JN, Bernabei R, Finne-Soveri H, Hirdes JP.  2007.  Rethinking the Resident Assessment Protocols. J Am Geriatr Soc. 55(7):1139-40.
Fries B.E, Shugarman L.R, Morris J.N, Simon S.E, James M..  2002.  A screening system for Michigan's home- and community-based long-term care programs. Gerontologist. 42(4):462-74.
Fries B.E..  1997.  Changing the technology of assessing the elderly: the example of the RAI.. Generations. Spring(XXI):59-61.
Fries BE, James ML, Martin L, Head MJ, Stewart SL, Park PS.  2019.  A Case-Mix System for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Health services insights. 12:1178632919856011-1178632919856011.