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Engle VF, Graney MJ, Chan A.  2001.  Accuracy and bias of licensed practical nurse and nursing assistant ratings of nursing home residents' pain.. Journal of Gerontology A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 56:M405-M411.
Hirdes J.P., Riddell M, Curtin-Telegdi N.  2001.  Across sectors of the health care system: clinical considerations.. In Stride Magazine.
Buchanan R.J, Wang S., Huang C..  2001.  Analyses of nursing home residents with HIV and dementia using the minimum data set. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 26(3):246-55.
Fletcher P.C, Hirdes J.P.  2001.  Assessing the health and functional status of older women with breast cancer using the Minimum Data Set-Home Care (MDS-HC). Canadian Journal of Public Health Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique. 92(6):457-9.
Sakai Y, Mori S, Kanayama M, Nakajima K.  2001.  Assessment by means of a Minimum Data Set of the changes of mental and physical status of elderly patients with dementia during two years of institutionalization.. Japanese Journal of Geriatrics. 38(2):185-192.
Teare G..  2001.  Case-mix classifications and funding in long term care.. Stride.
McGovern R, Chan YP, Carpenter G.I.  2001.  Changes in patient status after discharge from hospital to long-term care: a comparison between social service documentation and the Minimum Data Set.. Age & Ageing. 1
Richardson J, Bedard M., Weaver B.  2001.  Changes in physical functioning in institutionalized older adults.. Disability and Rehabilitation. 23(15):683-689.
Buttar A., Blaum C., Fries B..  2001.  Clinical characteristics and six-month outcomes of nursing home residents with low activities of daily living dependency. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 56(5):M292-7.
Rogers JC, Gwinn SMG, Holm MB.  2001.  Comparing activities of daily living assessment instruments: FIM, MDS, OASIS, MDS-PAC.. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics. 18(3):1-25.
McCusker J., Cole M., Dendukuri N., Belzile E., Primeau F..  2001.  Delirium in older medical inpatients and subsequent cognitive and functional status: a prospective study. CMAJ. 165(5):575-83.
Berlowitz D.R, Brandeis G.H, Morris J.N, Ash A.S, Anderson J.J, Kader B., Moskowitz M.A.  2001.  Deriving a risk-adjustment model for pressure ulcer development using the Minimum Data Set.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 49(7):866-71.
Binder EF, J Miller P, Ball LJ.  2001.  Development of a test of physical performance for the nursing home setting. The Gerontologist. 41(5):671-679.
Laditka S.B, Jenkins C.L.  2001.  Difficulty or dependency? Effects of measurement scales on disability prevalence among older Americans J Health Soc Policy. 13:1-15.
Quilliam BJ, Lapane K., Eaton CB, Mor V..  2001.  Effect of antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents on risk of hospitalization for bleeding among a population of elderly nursing home stroke survivors.. Stroke. 32(10):299-304.
Masuda Y, Kuzuya M, Uemura K, Yamamoto R, Endo H, Shimokata H, Iguchi A.  2001.  The effect of public long-term care insurance plan on care management and care planning in Japanese geriatric hospitals.. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics. 32(2):167-177.
Holtkamp C.C, Kerkstra A., Ooms M.E, Van Campen C., Ribbe M.W.  2001.  Effects of the implementation of the Resident Assessment Instrument on gaps between perceived needs and nursing care supply for nursing home residents in the Netherlands. International journal of nursing studies. 38(6):619-628.
McCusker J., Cole M., Abrahamowicz M., Han L., Podoba J.E, Ramman-Haddad L..  2001.  Environmental risk factors for delirium in hospitalized older people. J Am Geriatr Soc. 49(10):1327-34.