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Angelelli J., Gifford D., Intrator O., Gozalo P., Laliberte L., Mor V..  2002.  Access to postacute nursing home care before and after the BBA (Balanced Budget Act). Health Aff (Millwood). 21(5):254-64.
Onder G, Pedone C, Landi F, Cesari M, Vedova CDella, Bernabei R, Gambassi G.  2002.  Adverse Drug Reactions as Cause of Hospital Admissions: Results from the Italian Group of Pharmacoepidemiology in the Elderly (GIFA). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(12):1962-1968.
Ossip-Klein D, Karuza J, Tweet A, Howard J, Obermiller-Powers M, Howard L, Katz P, Griffin-Roth S, Swift M.  2002.  Benchmarking Implementation of a Computerized System for Long-term Care. American Journal of Medical Quality. 17(3):94-102.
Shugarman L.R, Buttar A., Fries B.E, Moore T., Blaum C.S.  2002.  Caregiver attitudes and hospitalization risk in michigan residents receiving home- and community-based care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(6):1079-85.
Carpenter I., Gladman J.R, Parker S.G, Potter J..  2002.  Clinical and research challenges of intermediate care. Age Ageing. 31(2):97-100.
Garms-Homolova V.  2002.  Das RAI – Zum Zusammenhang von Qualitätssicherung und Personalbemessung. Personalbemessung in der Altenhilfe. Wissenschaftliche, praxisbezogene und sozialpolitische Verständigungsversuche. 14:101-112.
Macdonald AJD, G Carpenter I, Box O, Roberts A, Sahu S.  2002.  Dementia and use of psychotropic medication in non‐‘Elderly Mentally Infirm’nursing homes in South East England. Age and Ageing. 31(1):58-64.
Tjam EY, Hirdes JP.  2002.  Health, psycho-social and cultural determinants of medication use by Chinese-Canadian older persons. Canadian Journal on Aging. 21(1):63-73.
Berg K., Mor V., Morris J., Murphy K.M, Moore T., Harris Y..  2002.  Identification and evaluation of existing nursing homes quality indicators. Health Care Financing Review. 23(4):19-36.
Angelelli J, Gifford D., Intrator O., Gozalo P, Laliberte L., Mor V..  2002.  The impact of the BBA on access to post acute nursing home care.. Health Aff (Millwood). 21(5):254-264.
Arino S, Benavent R.  2002.  La valoracion geriatrica integral, una herramienta fundamental para el diagnostico y el tratamiento [Spanish]. JANO. 62(1435):41-43.
Cieza A., Brockow T., Ewert T., Amman E., Kollerits B., Chatterji S., Ustun T.B, Stucki G..  2002.  Linking health-status measurements to the international classification of functioning, disability and health. J Rehabil Med. 34:205-10.
Brown MN, Lapane KL, Luisi AF.  2002.  The management of depression in older nursing home residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(1):69-76.
Ikegami N, Hirdes JP, Carpenter I.  2002.  Measuring the quality of long-term care in institutional and community settings.
Kidder D., Rennison M., Goldberg H., Warner D., Bell B., Hadden L., Morris J., Jones R., Mor V..  2002.  MegQI Covariate Analysis and Recommendations: Identification and Evaluation of Existing Quality Indicators that are Appropriate for Use in Long-Term Care Settings..
Carpenter G.I, Field J., Challis D., Swift C..  2002.  Needs and resources - comparing levels of care provided to older people in two social services departments. Age and Ageing. 31:33.
Fisher SE, Burgio LD, Thorn BE, Allen-Burge R, Gerstle J, Roth DL, Allen SJ.  2002.  Pain assessment and management in cognitively impaired nursing home residents: association of certified nursing assistant pain report, Minumum Data Set pain report, and analgesic medication use.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(1):152-156.
Langmore S.E, Skarupski K.A, Park P.S, Fries B.E.  2002.  Predictors of aspiration pneumonia in nursing home residents. Dysphagia. 17(4):298-307.
Landi F, Bernabei R, Russo A, Zuccalá G, Onder G, Carosella L, Cesari M, Cocchi A.  2002.  Predictors of rehabilitation outcomes in frail patients treated in a geriatric hospital. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(4):679-84.
Cesari M, Landi F, Torre S, Onder G, Lattanzio F, Bernabei R.  2002.  Prevalence and Risk Factors for Falls in an Older Community-Dwelling Population. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 57(11):M722-M726.
Weech-Maldonado R, Neff G, Mor V.  2002.  The relationship between quality of care and financial performance in nursing homes. Journal of Health Care Finance. 29(3):48-60.
Hirdes JP, Smith TF, Rabinowitz T, Yamauchi K, Pérez E., Telegdi NCurtain, Prendergast P., Morris JN, Ikegami N, Phillips CD et al..  2002.  The Resident Assessment Instrument-Mental Health (RAI-MH): inter-rater reliability and convergent validity. J Behav Health Serv Res. 29(4):419-32.
Fletcher P.C, Hirdes J.P.  2002.  Risk factors for falling among community-based seniors using home care services. Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences. 57(8):M504-M510.
Carpenter G.I., Field J., Challis D., Swift C..  2002.  Routine use of standardised assessment for monitoring the outcomes of community-based care. Age and Ageing. 31:34.
Fries B.E, Shugarman L.R, Morris J.N, Simon S.E, James M..  2002.  A screening system for Michigan's home- and community-based long-term care programs. Gerontologist. 42(4):462-74.