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van Soest-Poortvliet MC, van der Steen JT, Zimmerman S, Cohen LW, Munn J, Achterberg WP, Ribbe MW, de Vet HCW.  2011.  Measuring the Quality of Dying and Quality of Care When Dying in Long-Term Care Settings: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Available Instruments. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.
van Lier LI, van der Roest HG, Oosten BSh, Garms-Homolova V, Onder G, Finne-Soveri H, Jónsson PV, Ljunggren G, Henrard J-C, Topinkova E et al..  2019.  Predictors of Societal Costs of Older Care-Dependent Adults Living in the Community in 11 European Countries. Health services insights. 12:1178632918820947-1178632918820947.
van Lier LI, van der Roest HG, van Hout HPJ, van Eenoo L, Declercq A, Garms-Homolova V, Onder G, Finne-Soveri H, Jónsson PV, Hertogh CMPM et al..  2016.  Convergent validity of the interRAI-HC for societal costs estimates in comparison with the RUD Lite instrument in community dwelling older adults. BMC Health Services Research. 16(1):440.
van Hout HPJ, Nijpels G, van Marwijk HWJ, Jansen APD, Veer PJVan't, Tybout W, Stalman WAB.  2005.  Design and pilot results of a single blind randomized controlled trial of systematic demand-led home visits by nurses to frail elderly persons in primary care [ISRCTN05358495]. BMC geriatrics. 5
van Hout HPJ, van Lier L, Draisma S, Smit J, Finne-Soveri H, Garms-Homolova V, Bosmans JE, Declercq A, Jonsson P, Onder G et al..  2019.  Signs of Inequality? Variations in Providing Home Health Care Across Care Organizations and Across European Countries in the IBenC Study Health services insights. 12:1178632919837632-1178632919837632.
van Everdingen C., P. Peerenboom B, Van Der Velden K., Delespaul P.AEG.  2021.  A Comprehensive Assessment to Enable Recovery of the Homeless: The HOP-TR Study. Frontiers in public health. 9(pp 661517)
van Eenoo L, van der Roest H, van Hout H, Declercq A.  2016.  Quality of Care and Job Satisfaction in the European Home Care Setting: Research Protocol. International Journal of Integrated Care. 16(3)
Van Eenoo L., van der Roest H., Onder G., Finne-Soveri H., Garms-Homolova V., Jonsson P.V, Draisma S., van Hout H., Declercq A..  2018.  Organizational home care models across Europe: A cross sectional study. Int J Nurs Stud. 77:39-45.
Van Eenoo L., Declercq A., Onder G., Finne-Soveri H., Garms-Homolova V., Jonsson P.V, Dix O.H, Smit J.H, van Hout H.P, van der Roest H.G.  2016.  Substantial between-country differences in organising community care for older people in Europe-a review. Eur J Public Health. 26(2):213-9.
Van Doren S, De Coninck D, Hermans K, Declercq A.  2022.  Interrater reliability of the BelRAI Social Supplement in Flanders, Belgium: Simultaneous rating of community-dwelling adults with care needs during COVID-19. Frontiers in psychology. 13
Van Doren S, Abey-Nesbit R, Ahn SN, Iheme L, Hirdes J, Declercq A, Peel N, Deely J, Jamieson HA.  2020.  Factors associated with caregiver distress among home care clients in New Zealand: Evidence based on data from interRAI Home Care Assessment. Poster presented at the World interRAI Conference 2020, Date: 2020/02/03-2020/02/05, Location: Leuven, Belgium.
Van Doren S.  2023.  The social context of community-dwelling adults with care needs. The development of a Social Supplement to the BelRAI Screener and the interRAI Home Care instrument.
Van Doren S., Hermans K., Declercq A..  2022.  Conceptualising relevant social context indicators for people receiving home care: A multi-method approach in Flanders, Belgium. Health & social care in the community. 30(4):e1244-e1254.
Van Doren S, Hermans K, Declercq A.  2021.  Towards a standardized approach of assessing social context of persons receiving home care in Flanders, Belgium: the development and test of a social supplement to the interRAI instruments. BMC Health Services Research. 21(1):1-14.
van Dijk PTM, Mehr DR, Ooms ME, Madsen R, Petroski G, Frijters DH, Pot AMargriet, Ribbe MW.  2005.  Comorbidity and 1-year mortality risks in nursing home residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 53(4):660-5.
van der Steen J.T, Volicer L., Gerritsen D.L, Kruse R.L, Ribbe M.W, Mehr D.R.  2006.  Defining severe dementia with the Minimum Data Set. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 21(11):1099-106.
van der Steen J.T, Mitchell S.L, Frijters D.H, Kruse R.L, Ribbe M.W.  2007.  Prediction of 6-month mortality in nursing home residents with advanced dementia: validity of a risk score. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 8(7):464-8.
van der Roest HG, van Eenoo L, van Lier LI, Onder G, Garms-Homolova V, Smit JH, Finne-Soveri H, Jónsson PV, Draisma S, Declercq A et al..  2019.  Development of a novel benchmark method to identify and characterize best practices in home care across six European countries: design, baseline, and rationale of the IBenC project. BMC health services research. 19(1):310-310.
van der Roest H., Van Lier L., Van Eenoo L., Declercq A., Onder G., Garms-Homolova V., Finne-Soveri H., Jonsson P.V, Smit J., Bosmans J. et al..  2017.  Benchmarking european community care delivery on costs and quality of care, a novel approach. European Geriatric Medicine. 8(Supplement 1):S30.
van der Krogt I.EJ, Sizoo E.M, van Loon A.M, Hendriks S.A, Smalbrugge M..  2022.  The Recovery After COVID-19 in Nursing Home Residents. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. 8
van Dam C.S, Trappenburg M.C, Wee M.M ter, Hoogendijk E.O, de Vet H.C, Smulders Y.M, Nanayakkara P.W, Muller M., Peters M.J.  2021.  The Accuracy of Four Frequently Used Frailty Instruments for the Prediction of Adverse Health Outcomes Among Older Adults at Two Dutch Emergency Departments: Findings of the AmsterGEM Study. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 78(4):538-548.
Van Audenhove C.  2020.  interRAI and person centered care. Keynote at World interRAI Conference 2020, Date: 2020/02/03-2020/02/05, Location: Leuven.
Van Asch I.FM, Nuyen J., Veerbeek M.A, Frijters D.HM, Achterberg W.P, Pot A.M.  2013.  The diagnosis of depression and use of antidepressants in nursing home residents with and without dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 28(3):312-318.
van Almenkerk S., Smalbrugge M., Depla M.FIA, Eefsting J.A, Hertogh C.MPM.  2015.  Apathy among institutionalized stroke patients: Prevalence and clinical correlates. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 23(2):180-188.
van Almenkerk S., Depla M.FIA, Smalbrugge M., Eefsting J.A, Hertogh C.MPM.  2015.  Pain among institutionalized stroke patients and its relation to emotional distress and social engagement. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 30(10):1023-1031.