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interRAI Emergency Department (ED) Assessment System Manual: For Use with the interRAI ED Screener (EDS) and ED Contact Assessment (ED-CA). Version 9.3. :114.
2017. Geriatric syndromes predict postdischarge outcomes among older emergency department patients: Findings from the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. 21(4):422-33.
2014. The Implementation of Integrated Health Information Systems – Research Studies from 7 Countries Involving the InterRAI Assessment System. International Journal of Integrated Care. 23(1)
2023. .
interRAI Acute Care for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (AC-CGA) Form and User’s Manual. Version 9.3. :120.
2017. Profiles of Older Patients in the Emergency Department: Findings From the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 62(5):467-474.
2013. .
Validity of the interRAI Acute Care based on test content: a multi-center study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 23(5-6):476-86.
2011. First-generation versus third-generation comprehensive geriatric assessment instruments in the acute hospital setting: a comparison of the Minimum Geriatric Screening Tools (MGST) and the interRAI Acute Care (interRAI AC). The journal of nutrition, health & aging. 15(8):638-44.
2011. Translation and adaption of the interRAI suite to local requirements in Belgian hospitals. BMC Geriatr. 12:53.
2012. Convergent Validity of the Cognitive Performance Scale of the interRAI Acute Care and the Mini-Mental State Examination. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 21(7):636-45.
2013. Methods to assess the validity of the interRAI Acute Care: a framework to guide clinimetric testing. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. :no-no.
2010. Methods to assess the reliability of the interRAI Acute Care: a framework to guide clinimetric testing. Part II. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. :no-no.
2011. Methods to assess the validity of the interRAI Acute Care: a framework to guide clinimetric testing. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 18(2):296-306.
2012. Methods to assess the reliability of the interRAI Acute Care: a framework to guide clinimetric testing. Part II. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 18(4):822-827.
2012. Interrater reliability of the interRAI Acute Care (interRAI AC). Archives of gerontology and geriatrics. 55(1):165-72.
2012. Clinical Changes in Older Adults During Hospitalization: Responsiveness of the interRAI Acute Care Instrument. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 61(5):799-804.