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Integrated health information systems based on the RAI/MDS series of instruments.[erratum appears in Healthc Manage Forum 2000 Summer;13(2):41]. Healthcare Management Forum. 12(4):30-40.
1999. The Resident Assessment Instrument-Mental Health (RAI-MH): inter-rater reliability and convergent validity. J Behav Health Serv Res. 29(4):419-32.
2002. Development of the Resident Assessment Instrument - Mental Health (RAI-MH).. Hospital Quarterly. 4(2):44-51.
2000. Changes in advance care planning in nursing homes before and after the patient Self-Determination Act: report of a 10-state survey. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):939-44.
1997. .
2000. Minimum data set for home care: a valid instrument to assess frail older people living in the community. Medical Care. 38(12):1184-90.
2000. A home care annotated bibliography. J Am Geriatr Soc. 46(7):898-909.
1998. Windows to their world: the effect of sensory impairments on social engagement and activity time in nursing home residents. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences. 52(3):S135-44.
1997. Health effects of cigarette smoking: data from the Ontario Longitudinal Study on Aging. Canadian Journal of Public Health Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique. 78(1):13-7.
1987. Annotated bibliography of palliative care and end of life care. J Am Geriatr Soc. 48(3):325-32.
2000. Analyses of nursing home residents with HIV and dementia using the minimum data set. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 26(3):246-55.
2001. Profiles of nursing home residents with multiple sclerosis using the minimum data set. Mult Scler. 7(3):189-200.
2001. Predicting patient scores between the functional independence measure and the minimum data set: development and performance of a FIM-MDS "crosswalk".[erratum appears in Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998 Feb;79(2):231]. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 78(1):48-54.
1997. Annotated bibliography of palliative care and end of life care. J Am Geriatr Soc. 48(3):325-32.
2000. Standardized comprehensive assessment for end-of-life and palliative care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 19(5):324-5.
2000. Use of administrative records to describe longitudinal patterns of health services use among veterans. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 1(4):325-7.
1994. Predicting patient scores between the functional independence measure and the minimum data set: development and performance of a FIM-MDS "crosswalk".[erratum appears in Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998 Feb;79(2):231]. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 78(1):48-54.
1997. Inappropriate use of nonpsychotropic medications in nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 43(5):513-9.
1995. Length of stay in VA nursing homes. Comparative characteristics of brief-, medium-, and long-stay residents. Journal of Aging & Health. 5(2):208-28.
1993. How different are VA nursing home residents? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 41(10):1095-101.
1993. .
Initial field testing of an instrument to measure: observable indicators of nursing home care quality. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 14(3):1-12.
2000. Improving quality of care in nursing facilities. Gerontological clinical nurse specialist as research nurse consultant. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 26(4):6-13.
2000. Minimum Data Set and Resident Assessment Instrument. Can using standardized assessment improve clinical practice and outcomes of care? Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 25(6):35-43;quiz54-5.
1999. Prevalence, incidence, management, and predictors of venous ulcers in the long-term-care population using the MDS. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 13(5):218-24.