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Rodrigues LGabriela, Sampaio AAraújo, da Cruz CAntonio Go, Vettore MVianna, Ferreira RConceiçã.  2023.  A systematic review of measurement instruments for oral health assessment of older adults in long-term care facilities by nondental professionals. Gerodontology. 40(2):148-160.
Rodrigues LGabriela, Sampaio AAraújo, da Cruz CAntonio Go, Vettore MVianna, Ferreira RConceiçã.  2023.  A systematic review of measurement instruments for oral health assessment of older adults in long‐term care facilities by nondental professionals. Gerodontology. 40(2):148-160.
Gray LC, Bernabei R, Berg K, Finne‐Soveri H, Fries BE, Hirdes JP, Jonsson PV, Morris JN, Steel K, Ariño‐Blasco S.  2008.  Standardizing assessment of elderly people in acute care: the interRAI Acute Care instrument. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 56(3):536-41.
Karon S.L, Sainfort F., Zimmerman D.R.  1999.  Stability of nursing home quality indicators over time. Medical Care. 37(6):570-9.
Gray L, Berg K, Fries B, Henrard J-C, Hirdes J, Steel K, Morris J.  2009.  Sharing clinical information across care settings: the birth of an integrated assessment system. BMC Health Services Research. 9(1):71.
Lau C, Stewart SL, Saklofske DH, Hirdes J.  2019.  Scale development and psychometric properties of internalizing symptoms: The interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health internalizing subscale. Psychiatry Research. 278:235-241.