
Export 2197 results:
Van Doren S.  2023.  The social context of community-dwelling adults with care needs. The development of a Social Supplement to the BelRAI Screener and the interRAI Home Care instrument.
Juckett LA, Oliver HV, Hariharan G, Bunck LE, Devier AL.  2023.  Strategies for implementing the interRAI home care frailty scale with home-delivered meal clients. Frontiers in Public Health. 11:1022735.
KUANG Y, CHENG L, KUANG Y, XIA Z.  2023.  Study on home care needs and care resource integration expectations of elderly patients after hip fracture surgery: a mixed-method study. Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing. 36:1972-1978.
Rodrigues LGabriela, Sampaio AAraújo, da Cruz CAntonio Go, Vettore MVianna, Ferreira RConceiçã.  2023.  A systematic review of measurement instruments for oral health assessment of older adults in long‐term care facilities by nondental professionals. Gerodontology. 40(2):148-160.
Rodrigues LGabriela, Sampaio AAraújo, da Cruz CAntonio Go, Vettore MVianna, Ferreira RConceiçã.  2023.  A systematic review of measurement instruments for oral health assessment of older adults in long-term care facilities by nondental professionals. Gerodontology. 40(2):148-160.
Stewart SL, Dimos T, Poss JW.  2023.  Treatment Seeking Children and Youth who have Experienced Warzone Trauma: Examining the Mental Health Care Planning Needs. Child Psychiatry & Human Development. :1-12.
Hamza M, Ault L, Tan P, Wallace B, Thomas NW, Goubran R, Knoefel F.  2023.  Using smart supportive technology to explore nighttime rest in persons living with dementia. Alzheimer's & Dementia. 19(S5):e067419.
Hikaka J, Abey-Nesbit R, McIntosh B, Schluter PJ, Nishtala PS, Scrase R, Jamieson HA.  2023.  Utility of Big Data to Explore Medication Adherence in Māori and Non-Māori Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Heart Failure in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Cross-sectional Study. Drugs & Aging. 40(9):847-855.
Ou J, Xu C, Fu Y, Chen Q, Han Y, Yao L.  2023.  Validation of the cognitive performance scale of the interRAI-PAC and montreal cognitive assessment. Nursing Open. 10(2):714-720.
Ou J, Xu C, Fu Y, Chen Q, Han Y, Yao L.  2023.  Validation of the cognitive performance scale of the interRAI‐PAC and montreal cognitive assessment. Nursing Open. 10(2):714-720.
Pesonen T, Saarela K-M, Falck A, Edgren J, Kyngäs H, Siira H.  2023.  Visual impairment and the need for vision care services amongst older Finnish people receiving home care. Nursing Open. 10(4):2519-2529.
Norman K.  2023.  Widening the View: A Standardized Approach to Capturing Family Members’ Perspectives on Quality of Life in Long-term Care. Waterloo's Insitutional Repository (UWSpace).
Fang L, Karakiulakis G, Roth M.  Submitted.  Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection? The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  By the numbers (picture).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Coronavirus (COVID-19): Update for GPs.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Guideline for completing an interRAI Home Care assessment via a live video stream.
Cai S, Wang S, Mukamel DB, Caprio T, Temkin-Greener H.  Submitted.  Hospital Readmissions Among Post-acute Nursing Home Residents: Does Obesity Matter? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
Hoben M, Yoon MN, Lu L, Estabrooks CA.  Submitted.  If we cannot measure it, we cannot improve it: Understanding measurement problems in routine oral/dental assessments in Canadian nursing homes—Part I. Gerodontology. n/a(n/a)
Barak Y, Leitch S, Gale C, Glue P.  Submitted.  No seasonal influence on cognitive performance in a national sample of older adults in New Zealand. Australasian Journal on Ageing. n/a(n/a)
Lage DE, DuMontier C, Lee Y, Nipp RD, Mitchell SL, Temel JS, El-Jawahri A, Berry SD.  Submitted.  Potentially burdensome end-of-life transitions among nursing home residents with poor-prognosis cancer. Cancer. n/a(n/a)
Leung AChi-tat, Liu CPun, Tsui LLee, Li SYee, Tang GWing-yan, Yau DCn, Chi I, Chow NWing-sun.  Submitted.  The Use of the Minimum Data Set: Home Care in a Case Management Project in Hong Kong. Care Management Journals. (1):8-13.