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Sgadari A, Lapane KL, Mor V, Landi F, Bernabei R, Gambassi G.  2000.  Oxidative and nonoxidative benzodiazepines and the risk of femur fracture. The Systematic Assessment of Geriatric Drug Use Via Epidemiology Study Group. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 20(2):234-9.
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Krausch‐Hofmann S, Mello Jde Almeida, Declerck D, Declercq A, De Lepeleire J, Tran TDung, Lesaffre E, Duyck J.  2019.  The oral health‐related section of the interRAI: Evaluation of test content validity by expert rating and assessment of potential reasons for inaccurate assessments based on focus group discussions with caregivers. Gerodontology. 36(4):382-394.
Krausch-Hofmann S, Mello Jde Almeida, Declerck D, Declercq A, De Lepeleire J, Tran TDung, Lesaffre E, Duyck J.  2019.  The oral health-related section of the interRAI: Evaluation of test content validity by expert rating and assessment of potential reasons for inaccurate assessments based on focus group discussions with caregivers. Gerodontology. 36(4):382-394.
Chen X, D’Souza V, Yu L.  2019.  The oral health status of residents with different cognitive and dental-related functions in three North Carolina assisted living facilities. Gerodontology. 36(2):142-148.
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