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Grue EVengnes, Finne-Soveri H, Stolee P, Poss J, Sörbye LWergeland, Noro A, Hirdes JP, Ranhoff AHylen.  2010.  Recent visual decline—a health hazard with consequences for social life: a study of home care clients in 12 countries. Current gerontology and geriatrics research. 2010
Grue E.V, Finne-Soveri H., Stolee P., Poss J., Sorbye L.W, Noro A., Hirdes J.P, Ranhoff A.H.  2010.  Recent visual decline-a health hazard with consequences for social life: a study of home care clients in 12 countries. Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res.
Grue EVengnes, Ranhoff AHylen, Noro A, Finne‐Soveri H, Jensdóttir ABirna, Ljunggren G, Bucht G, Björnson LJan, Jonsén E, Schroll M et al..  2009.  Vision and hearing impairments and their associations with falling and loss of instrumental activities in daily living in acute hospitalized older persons in five Nordic hospitals. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences. 23(4):635-643.
Grue EVengnes, Kirkevold M, Ranhoff AHylen.  2009.  Prevalence of vision, hearing, and combined vision and hearing impairments in patients with hip fractures. Journal of clinical nursing. 18(21):3037-49.
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Gretarsdottir E, Jonsdottir ABjörg, Sigurthorsdottir I, Gudmundsdottir EEir, Hjaltadottir I, Jakobsdottir IBjork, Tomasson G, Jonsson PV, Thorsteinsdottir T.  2021.  Patients in need of comprehensive geriatric assessment: The utility of the InterRAI emergency department screener. International Emergency Nursing. 54:100943.
Gretarsdottir E., A. Jonsdottir B, Tomasson G., Gumundsdottir E.E, Hjaltadottir I., Sigurorsdottir I., I. Jakobsdottir B, Thorsteinsdottir T..  2017.  Feasibility and validity of the InterRAI ED Screener. European Geriatric Medicine. 8(Supplement 1):S76.
Gregorevic KJ, Peel NM, Lim WKwang, Hubbard RE.  2018.  Do health assets have a protective effect for hospitalized frail older adults? QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 111(11):785-789.
Gregorevic K, Hubbard RE, Peel NMay, Lim WKwang.  2018.  Validation of the health assets index in the Australian inpatient setting: a multicentre prospective cohort protocol study. BMJ open. 8(5):e021135.
Grebe C, Brandenburg H.  2015.  [Resident assessment instrument. Application options and relevance for Germany]. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie. 48(2):105-13.
Gray L, Wootton R.  2008.  Comprehensive geriatric assessment ‘online’. Australasian Journal on Ageing. 27(4):205-208.
Gray L, Ariño-Blasco S, Berg K, Fries BE, Heckman G, Jónsson PV, Kergoat M-J, Martin-Khan M, Morris JN, Peel NM et al..  2017.  interRAI Acute Care for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (AC-CGA) Form and User’s Manual. Version 9.3. :120.
Gray LC, Fatehi F, Martin‐Khan M, Peel NM, Smith AC.  2016.  Telemedicine for Specialist Geriatric Care in Small Rural Hospitals: Preliminary Data. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 64(6):1347-1351.
Gray L., Vincent R., Martin-Khan M., Varghese P., Wootton R..  2006.  Processing time for an online geriatric assessment tool. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 12:38-40.
Gray L, Ariño-Blasco S, Berg K, Bula C, Gambassi G, Heckman G, Jónsson PV, Kergoat M-J, Leff B, Martin-Khan M et al..  2013.  interRAI Clinical and Management Applications Manual: For Use with the interRAI Acute Care Assessment Instrument. :84.
Gray LC, Bernabei R, Berg K, Finne‐Soveri H, Fries BE, Hirdes JP, Jonsson PV, Morris JN, Steel K, Ariño‐Blasco S.  2008.  Standardizing assessment of elderly people in acute care: the interRAI Acute Care instrument. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 56(3):536-41.
Gray L., Dakin L., Counsell S., Edwards H., Wootton R., Martin-Khan M..  2012.  'Online' geriatric assessment procedure for older adults referred for geriatric assessment during an acute care episode for consideration of reliability of triage decisions. BMC Geriatr. 12:10.
Gray L, Ariño-Blasco S, Berg K, Boscart VM, Heckman G, Hubbard RE, Jónsson PV, Peel NM, Pimm B, Sinha SK et al..  2017.  interRAI Acute Care (AC) Assessment Form and User’s Manual, Version 9.3. :96.
Gray LC, Beattie E, Boscart VM, Henderson A, Hornby-Turner YC, Hubbard RE, Wood S, Peel NM.  2018.  Development and Testing of the interRAI Acute Care: A Standardized Assessment Administered by Nurses for Patients Admitted to Acute Care. Health Services Insights. 11:1178632918818836-1178632918818836.
Gray L., Bernabei R., Berg K., Finne-Soveri H., Fries B.E, Hirdes J.P, Jonsson P., Morris J., Steel K., Arino-Blasco S..  2008.  Standardising assessment of elderly people in acute care: the interRAI Acute Care instrument. J Am Geriatr Soc. 56(3):536-41.
Gray L.C, Wright O.R, Cutler A.J, Scuffham P.A, Wootton R..  2009.  Geriatric ward rounds by video conference: a solution for rural hospitals. Med J Aust. 191(11-12):605-8.
Gray L, Ariño-Blasco S, Berg K, Bernabei R, G. Carpenter I, Finne-Soveri H, Fries BE, Hirdes JP, Jónsson PV, Morris JN et al..  2010.  interRAI Acute Care (AC) Assessment Form and User's Manual, Version 9.1. :114.