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Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K., Mor V., Frijters D., LaBine S., Schalm C., Stones M.J, Teare G. et al..  1999.  Integrated health information systems based on the RAI/MDS series of instruments.[erratum appears in Healthc Manage Forum 2000 Summer;13(2):41]. Healthcare Management Forum. 12(4):30-40.
Hirdes J.P, Mitchell L., Ljunggren G., Schroll M..  1999.  International and regional variations in restraint use: implications for selecting benchmarks.. Canadian Journal of Quality in Health Care. 15(2):19-23.
Finne-Soveri H..  1999.  It really is possible to measure, compare and improve the quality of care in the institutional long-term care.. Duodecim. 115:1600-1610.
Ikegami N., Yamada Y.  1999.  MDS-HC 2.0 - Its revision and impact [Japanese]. Japanese Journal of Home Care Nursing. 4(4):293-308.
Tobias DE, Feinberg JL, Troutman WG.  1999.  The MDS-Med Guide. A tool for the new millennium.. The Consultant Pharmacist. 14(8):831-860.
McCarthy JF, Banaszak-Holl JC, Fries BE.  1999.  Medical director involvement in nursing homes, 1992-1996. Annals of Long-Term Care. 7(2):35-43.
Zisselman MH, Allen GD, Cutillo-Schmitter T, Denman SJ.  1999.  The Minimum Data Set and psychotropic drug use in nursing home residents.. Annals of Long Term Care. 6(6A)
Rantz M.J, Popejoy L., Zwygart-Stauffacher M., Wipke-Tevis D., Grando V.T.  1999.  Minimum Data Set and Resident Assessment Instrument. Can using standardized assessment improve clinical practice and outcomes of care? Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 25(6):35-43;quiz54-5.
L. López C, Fernández J.R.Gómez, I. Tato G, R. Rodríguez M, Vidal M.J.Rubio, Buján M.P.Salinas.  1999.  The Minimum Data Set for health/social sciences.. Revista de Administración Sanitaria. 3(11):95-107.
Rantz M.J, Zwygart-Stauffacher M., Popejoy L.L, Mehr D.R, Grando V.T, Wipke-Tevis D.D, Hicks L.L, Conn V.S, Porter R., Maas M..  1999.  The minimum data set: No longer just for clinical assessment. Annals of Long Term Care. 7(9):354-360.
Landi F., Lattanzio F., Gambassi G., Zuccala G., Sgadari A., Panfilo M., Ruffilli M.P, Bernabei R..  1999.  A model for integrated home care of frail older patients: The Silver Network project. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 11(4):262-272.
Landi F., Lattanzio F., Gambassi G., Zuccala G., Sgadari A., Panfilo M., Ruffilli M.P, Bernabei R..  1999.  A model for integrated home care of frail older patients: the Silver Network project. SILVERNET-HC Study Group. Aging (Milano). 11(4):262-72.
Phillips C.D, Knopman D.S.  1999.  Neurology "with the bark off": tacrine, nursing home residents, and health services research.[comment]. Neurology. 52(2):227-30.
Ooi W.L, Morris J.N, Brandeis G.H, Hossain M., Lipsitz L.A.  1999.  Nursing home characteristics and the development of pressure sores and disruptive behaviour. Age & Ageing. 28(1):45-52.
Suri DN, Egleston BL, Brody JA, Rudberg MA.  1999.  Nursing home resident use of care directives.. Journal of Gerontology A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 54(5):M225-M229.
Morris JN, Fiatarone M, Kiely DK, Belleville-Taylor P, Murphy K, Littlehale S, Ooi WLock, O'Neill E, Doyle N.  1999.  Nursing Rehabilitation and Exercise Strategies in the Nursing Home. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 54(10):M494-M500.
Finne-Soveri U.H, Tilvis R.S.  1999.  Predictability of death in end-stage dementia: Patient characteristics and work-load associated with the condition. International Journal of Geriatric Psychopharmacology. 2(1):5-9.
Gambassi G., Landi F., Lapane K.L, Sgadari A., Mor V., Bernabei R..  1999.  Predictors of mortality in patients with Alzheimer's disease living in nursing homes. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 67(1):59-65.
Lapane K., Fernandez HH, Friedman JH.  1999.  Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and pharmacologic treatment of Parkinson's disease in residents in long-term care facilities.. Pharmacotherapy. 19(11):1321-1327.
Hirdes J.P.  1999.  Quality control in nursing homes.[comment]. CMAJ Canadian Medical Association Journal. 161(2):127.
Blair A., Brunton B., Rook M..  1999.  Quality control (Part 2). Communication: implementation of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI): the benefits of a structured communication plan. Healthcare management forum / Canadian College of Health Service Executives = Forum gestion des soins de sante / College canadien des directeurs de services de sante. 12(2):54-56.
Achterberg W., Pot A.M, Van Campen C., Ribbe M..  1999.  The Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI): A review of international research on the psychometric qualities and effects of implementation in nursing homes. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie. 30(6):264-270.
Topinkova E., Garms-Homolova V.  1999.  Resident Assessment Instrument - Results of the evaluation of health status in institutional facilities and home care agencies.. Zeitschrift Fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie. 32(2)
Hansebo G., Kihlgren M., Ljunggren G..  1999.  Review of nursing documentation in nursing home wards - changes after intervention for individualized care. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 29(6):1462-73.
Bjorkgren M.A, Hakkinen U., Brommels M.  1999.  RUG-III classification and need of care in the care register systems in institutional long-term care.. Terveystaloustieteen Paiva. 45:41-43.