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Fries BE, Morris JN, Aliaga P, Jones R.  2003.  Risk adjusting outcome measures for post-acute care. American Journal of Medical Quality. 18(2):66-72.
Sorbye L.W.  1983.  [The right to reservations--more than an abortion problem]. Sykepleien. 70(6):18-9.
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Tsuchiya-Ito R., Naruse T., Ishibashi T., Ikegami N..  2022.  The revised index for social engagement (RISE) in long-term care facilities: reliability and validity in Japan. Psychogeriatrics. 22(1):122-131.
Yoon JYoung, Kim H.  2017.  The Revised Index for Social Engagement in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Psychometric Study. The Journal of Nursing Research. 25(3)
Gerritsen D.L, Steverink N., Frijters D.H, Hirdes J.P, Ooms M.E, Ribbe M.W.  2008.  A revised Index for Social Engagement for long-term care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 34(4):40-8.
Hansebo G., Kihlgren M., Ljunggren G..  1999.  Review of nursing documentation in nursing home wards - changes after intervention for individualized care. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 29(6):1462-73.
Poss JW, Jutan N.M, Hirdes JP, Fries BE, Morris JN, Teare G.F, Reidel K..  2008.  A review of evidence on the reliability and validity of Minimum Data Set data. Healthcare Management Forum. 21(1):33-9.
Poss JW, Jutan NM, Hirdes JP, Fries BE, Morris JN, Teare GF, Reidel K.  2008.  A review of evidence on the reliability and validity of MDS data. Healthcare Management Forum. 21(1):33-39.
Foebel A., Ballokova A., Wellens N.I, Fialova D., Milisen K., Liperoti R., Hirdes J.P.  2015.  A retrospective, longitudinal study of factors associated with new antipsychotic medication use among recently admitted long-term care residents. BMC Geriatr. 15:128.
Fries BE, Morris JN, Bernabei R, Finne-Soveri H, Hirdes JP.  2007.  Rethinking the Resident Assessment Protocols. J Am Geriatr Soc. 55(7):1139-40.
Leibson C.L, Petterson T.M, Smith C.Y, Bailey K.R, Emerson J.A, Ashrani A.A, Takahashi P.Y, Heit J.A.  2014.  Rethinking guidelines for VTE risk among nursing home residents: A population-based study merging medical record detail with standardized nursing home assessments. Chest. 146(2):412-421.
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Fletcher P.C, Hirdes J.P.  2004.  Restriction in activity associated with fear of falling among community-based seniors using home care services. Age Ageing. 33(3):273-9.
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Fries B.E, Cooney, Jr. L.M.  1985.  Resource utilization groups. A patient classification system for long-term care. Medical Care. 23(2):110-22.
Mehr D.R, Fries B.E.  1995.  Resource use on Alzheimer's special care units.. Gerontologist. 35(2):179-84.
Kim E.K..  2003.  [Resource use of the elderly in long-term care hospital using RUG-III]. Taehan Kanho Hakhoe Chi. 33(2):275-283.
Stewart SL, Poss JW, Thornley E, Hirdes JP.  2019.  Resource Intensity for Children and Youth: The Development of an Algorithm to Identify High Service Users in Children's Mental Health. Health services insights. 12:1178632919827930-1178632919827930.
Kehyayan V, Hirdes JP, Tyas SL, Stolee P.  2015.  Residents' self-reported quality of life in long-term care facilities in Canada. Canadian journal on aging/La revue canadienne du vieillissement. 34(2):149-164.
McArthur C., Rostami M., Saarela O., Suria M.O, Feng C., Berg K..  2019.  Resident-Level Factors Associated with Hospitalization Rates for Newly Admitted Long-Term Care Residents in Canada: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Can J Aging. :1-8.