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Morris JN, Belleville-Taylor P, Fries BE, Hawes C, Murphy K, Mor V, Nonemaker S, Phillips CD, Berg K, Björkgren M et al..  2009.  interRAI Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF) Assessment Form and User’s Manual. :140.
Morris JN, Fries BE, Bernabei R, Steel K, Ikegami N, Carpenter I, Gilgen R, DuPasquier J-N, Frijters D, Henrard J-C et al..  2009.  interRAI Thuiszorg (HC) Beoordelingsformulier en gebruikershandboek, HC Dutch Edition. :136.
Phillips CD, Hawes C.  2009.  Long-Term Care Costs.. Encyclopedia of health services research, Volume Two.. :693-696.
Martin L, Hirdes JP.  2009.  Mental Health Needs and Service Use in Ontario. Healthcare Management Forum. 22(1):40-46.
Volicer L., van der Steen J.T, Frijters D.H.  2009.  Modifiable factors related to abusive behaviors in nursing home residents with dementia. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 10(9):617-22.
Phillips CD, Hawes C.  2009.  National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform (NCCNHR).. Encyclopedia of health services research, Volume Two.. :805-807.
Doran DM, Hirdes J, Blais R, G Baker R, Pickard J, Jantzi M.  2009.  The nature of safety problems among Canadian homecare clients: evidence from the RAI-HC reporting system. Journal of nursing management. 17(2):165-74.
Doran DM, Hirdes J., Blais R, G. Baker R, Pickard J, Jantzi m.  2009.  The nature of safety problems among Canadian homecare clients: evidence from the RAI-HC© reporting system. Journal of Nursing Management. 17(2):165-174.
Doran DM, Hirdes J, Blais R, G Baker R, Pickard J, Jantzi M.  2009.  The nature of safety problems among Canadian homecare clients: Evidence from the RAI‐HC© reporting system. Journal of nursing management. 17(2):165-174.
Lakhan PWati.  2009.  Negative outcomes of hospitalisation predicting risk in older patients.
Vedel I, de Stampa M, Bergman H, Ankri J, Cassou B, Mauriat C, Blanchard F, Bagaragaza E, Lapointe L.  2009.  A novel model of integrated care for the elderly: COPA, Coordination of Professional Care for the Elderly. Aging clinical and experimental research. 21(6):414-23.
Phillips CD, Hawes C.  2009.  Nursing Home Quality.. Encyclopedia of health services research, Volume Two.. :861-865.
Giangregorio L.M, Jantzi M., Papaioannou A., Hirdes J., Maxwell C.J, Poss J.W.  2009.  Osteoporosis management among residents living in long-term care. Osteoporosis International. 20(9):1471-8.
Chang P, Hsu C-L, Lan C-F.  2009.  Is PDA good for complex documentation in healthcare? Volume 146: Connecting Health and Humans. 146:115-20.
Smith TFrise, Hirdes JP.  2009.  Predicting social isolation among geriatric psychiatry patients. International Psychogeriatrics. 21(01):50-59.
Fusco D., Bochicchio G.B, Onder G., Barillaro C., Bernabei R., Landi F..  2009.  Predictors of rehabilitation outcome among frail elderly patients living in the community. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 10(5):335-41.
Grue EVengnes, Kirkevold M, Ranhoff AHylen.  2009.  Prevalence of vision, hearing, and combined vision and hearing impairments in patients with hip fractures. Journal of clinical nursing. 18(21):3037-49.
Huizing AR, Hamers JPH, Gulpers MJM, Berger MPF.  2009.  Preventing the use of physical restraints on residents newly admitted to psycho-geriatric nursing home wards: A cluster-randomized trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 46(4):459-469.
Hutchinson AM, Draper K, Sales AE.  2009.  Public reporting of nursing home quality of care: lessons from the United States experience for Canadian policy discussion. Healthcare Policy. 5(2):87-105.
Berg K, Finne-Soveri H, Gray L, Henrard J, Hirdes J, Ikegami N, Ljunggren G, Morris J, Paquay L, Resnik L et al..  2009.  Relationship between interRAI HC and the ICF: opportunity for operationalizing the ICF. BMC Health Services Research. 9(1):47.
Fletcher PC, Berg K, Dalby DM, Hirdes JP.  2009.  Risk factors for falling among community-based seniors. Journal of Patient Safety. 5(2):61-6.
Poss J, Scott V.  2009.  Risk factors for falls in residential care: evidence from RAI MDS 2.0 assessment data. Victoria (Canada): Residential Care Summit: Fall & Injury Prevention Research into Action Presentation.
Stolee P, Poss J, Cook RJ, Byrne K, Hirdes JP.  2009.  Risk Factors for Hip Fracture in Older Home Care Clients. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences. 64A(3):403-410.
Sørbye LWergeland, Garms-Homolova V, Henrard J-C, Jónsson PV, Fialova D, Topinkova E, Gambassi G.  2009.  Shaping home care in Europe: The contribution of the Aged in Home Care project. Maturitas. 62(3):235-242.
Gray L, Berg K, Fries B, Henrard J-C, Hirdes J, Steel K, Morris J.  2009.  Sharing clinical information across care settings: the birth of an integrated assessment system. BMC Health Services Research. 9(1):71.